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Blog A Conversation with Patrícia Carvalho about entrepreneurship

A Conversation with Patrícia Carvalho about entrepreneurship

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In today's business world, entrepreneurship is very challenging and is entirely linked to the ability to adapt and the search for creative solutions. Patricia Carvalho, founder of forumhub, is an inspiring example of an entrepreneur who not only faced the challenges of the business world, but also overcame her challenges on a journey through motherhood and building a solid brand.

Patrícia Carvalho’s Entrepreneurial Journey

Patrícia Carvalho is a very dedicated entrepreneur. Since the beginning of her career, she has demonstrated an incredible ability to identify business opportunities and build innovative solutions. Furthermore, her journey began as the founder of I reveal, a recruitment platform that revolutionized the way companies find talent. Her vision and determination led her to achieve success in this endeavor.

However, entrepreneurship is not just about the pursuit of success in business, but also about the ability to face personal challenges and balance different aspects of life. Patrícia Carvalho faced one of these challenges when she decided to become a mother. Motherhood, in itself, is an incredibly important and transformative journey in a woman's life.

The Balance Between Motherhood and Business

Pregnancy and motherhood often require a significant commitment to a woman's physical and mental health. Patrícia Carvalho emphasizes the importance of not allowing the company to override the woman's desires. She firmly believes that personal life must be prioritized and well designed for work to be successful.

Therefore, it is necessary to emphasize that one of the keys to achieving this balance is organization. Furthermore, Patrícia is known for her incredible ability to organization and productivity. She shares that, to keep your personal and professional life under control, it is essential to keep well-defined lists and schedules. She recommends reading the book “The Art of Making It Happen by David Allen“, which addresses efficient methods of time and task management in a very didactic way.

Building the Forum Hub Brand

Another fascinating aspect of Patrícia Carvalho’s journey is building the brand Forum Hub. She believes that branding is essential from the first day of a company. Forum Hub was born with a strong brand identity, defined colors and values. This approach from the beginning allowed the company to impact its audience effectively.

Forum Hub not only focuses on visual branding but also on customer experience. Patrícia understands that the brand is present in all aspects, from customer service to relationships with consumers. Furthermore, she emphasizes on following regulations, especially in the legal sector where advertising needs to be strictly followed.

The SheMakes Community: Supporting Women Entrepreneurs

In addition to all her entrepreneurial success and the construction of Forum Hub, Patrícia Carvalho also stood out for her commitment to supporting other women entrepreneurs. She is the co-founder of the SheMakes community, a platform dedicated to women entrepreneurs in technology.

SheMakes provides a space where women can learn, share experiences and create valuable connections. Additionally, the community is an example of Patrícia's commitment to providing support and opportunities for other entrepreneurs.


Patrícia Carvalho's story is inspiring and full of valuable insights into entrepreneurship, work-life balance, effective branding and supporting the female entrepreneurial community. Furthermore, her journey reminds us of the importance of embracing personal challenges and seeking creative solutions to achieve business success.

However, it is an example of how entrepreneurship can be a multifaceted journey, where organization, determination and commitment to values ​​are fundamental. Furthermore, Patrícia Carvalho continues to inspire other entrepreneurs and create a positive impact in the business world.

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