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Blog Adapt to the new reality - Digitize your business

Adapt to the new reality - Digitize your business

  • Blog

The new coronavirus pandemic accelerated a process that had been going on for a long time, the digitalization of service provision.

 The digital channels opened a direct path for interaction between the company and its customers. O LinkedIn, for example, is a reference when it comes to obtaining business information, connecting professionals and companies. 

Digital has changed the way we live and socialize, thanks to the popularization of smartphones, today we have apps for everything. We can order food, transport, share readings and shop using our cell phones. 

You are dealing with a generation of Netizens 

In the text " Netizens and their digital influence”We talked about the power of this generation when making a purchase decision. In 2020, generation Z, or netizens, represented 40% of all consumers.

Netizens and their digital influence

This generation grew up surrounded by digital devices. Therefore, it is the people who charge the most for these changes. Because they are multitasking and can process information more quickly than any previous generation, members of that generation are wiping out obsolete marketing practices.

They are able to consume digital content on multi screens, using a wide range of devices simultaneously. In addition, they already have purchasing power and occupy decision-making spaces and expect companies to be digital.

Why scan my business?

That said, I think the importance of digitizing your business has already become evident. Consumers tend to forget brands that are not present in the digital world.

For a real adaptation to this new reality, it is necessary to change the marketing strategy, aiming to create initiatives that incorporate, if not all, the main digital channels.

In creating a digital transformation, your company will use digital technologies and strategies to solve traditional problems and those that came with the pandemic. 

However, it is important to emphasize that this transformation cannot be superficial but structural.

What can be understood as digital transformation?

 As mentioned earlier, digital transformation is not something for the future, something like science fiction, but something that needs to be implemented with the utmost urgency by companies. 

It is common to see many companies that were created before the emergence of the internet have a resistance to the digital world and stick to the traditional method and rules that no longer apply. This attitude can lead the company to ruin.

How to make the digital transformation?

If your company has not yet adapted to the digital world, it will take a radical change in the structure. Technology should play a central role and not supportive in its strategies.

First of all, it is important to remember that it is not only large companies that need to invest in digital. Any organization that thinks about surviving in the current scenario must make this investment. 

In our blog we have a text that talks about the importance of digital marketing for entrepreneurs, because yes, even the small business owner needs to rethink its digital presence.

In short, digital transformation is not just another buzzword, a beautiful term to say that it is worth investing in Facebook Ads or something like that. On the contrary, it is here to stay and if your company intends to survive it is important to adapt to this technological progress.

We have several Articles e rich materials that can help you in this process!

If you have any questions, contact our specialized team.

We are at your disposal!

