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Blog AmplifyNews #12

AmplifyNews #12

Welcome to the 12th edition of the Newsletter of Amplifica Digital! Here, we bring content, blogposts and rich materials that can make a difference in your digital strategy.

We hope you enjoy it! 😊


Important news from the Digital World

🖥️ Majority of Marketing executives say that the level of agility will determine the success of the brands, reveals an Adobe study.

Of the executives surveyed, 87% believe that customer expectations have been digitally rebuilt and that company success is defined by responsiveness to change. Furthermore, This can be proven by the new way of doing business: 75% of companies report an increase in the use of digital channels by customers. However, in addition to the professionals' view, an Adobe study points out that there must be greater collaboration between IT and strategic areas

 → Most companies will transition to Google Analytics 4.

The study carried out by Search Engine Land interviewed 250 marketing decision-makers, and 70% said they would join the new Google platform, which will go live in July 2023 and will replace Google Analytics as we know it. So, tell us, how is your company dealing with this transition? 👀

→ 🛒 Google Shopping will prioritize stores with excellent shopping experiences.

Google's new program, called Experience Scorecard, will measure delivery time, shipping cost, return process, among other aspects. However, the goal is to reward good shopping experiences with better positions on Google Shopping, making competition fairer in a way.

Why integrate your CRM platform into your Digital Marketing strategy?

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) encompasses the strategies used by companies to manage and analyze interactions with their customers and prospects in the most personalized way possible. For this, CRM platforms are used, which are great facilitators for this customer relationship to be executed and monitored.

We prepared a blogpost explaining in detail how CRM works and why its integration with Digital Marketing is so important.

How do we help a pharmaceutical company to become ON? 

In recent years, the Amplifica Digital has already helped dozens of companies turn their marketing ON. Furthermore, including website development, lead generation, branding development, social media management… these are just some of the Digital Marketing services we offer with excellence. 

💡 To get inspired

“No one reads ads. People read what interests them, and sometimes it's an ad.” 

Howard Luck Gossage, was an important name and pioneer in American advertising in the 1950s. 

We want to help you take off in your digital strategy!

You can find out about our services on our website. 
