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Blog Building your company's digital environment

Building your company's digital environment

Today's theme is the construction of the digital environment, that is, how to build the digital environment of your company. 

It is possible to do a simulation, imagine that your company has 10 years in the market. In this time you have struggled to build your company and its reputation in the physical world. In the digital world there are also a series of strategies for you to build your image or the image of your company. 

We know that every construction takes time. That way, you must take into consideration what it takes to build your company's digital presence on the internet. 

But what is important in this construction?

At meetings I realize that there are clients who have well-structured prospects physically. However, when it goes to digital (website, social networks) I see that the company is not active in the digital world. 

In the current scenario, it is certainly the digital environment that will help companies to create efficient strategies to connect with their audience or with the targets defined in the commercial strategy.

As I said, every construction takes time. Therefore, try to have a website updated, responsive, that works well on both desktops and mobile devices. Likewise, their social networks must be updated. When I talk about social networks, I use the plural, as I refer to all of them on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook, even if these social networks are not the focus of your campaigns. 

You can focus on sponsored strategies within Linkedin, but that does not prevent you from having these other networks up to date as well. 

In short, building your company's digital environment is important, and building that digital environment is also related to something that I will talk about in the following videos, which is Inbound Marketing. 

Inbound marketing will help to better understand the behavior of the lead in the consumer journey in the sales funnel.

In short: 

  • It is important to have a functional website
  • Keep social networks active and up to date
  • Betting on Inbound marketing strategies

Anyway, closing this cycle, with these tools, you will have a consistent digital environment. That way, you will be able to see value and understand the data and behavior of the lead with your company through your website and your social networks. 

For more texts and tips, visit our blog!

See you later!
