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Blog 7 reasons to define your company's brand well

7 reasons to define your company's brand well

Traditionally, a brand is a set of images (name, logo, slogan), which distinguish it from competitors. It fully represents the experience that the company provides to its customers. Therefore, today, the brand is worth more than the product and even than the company itself.

Certainly, the value of a brand is the ability to gain an exclusive, outstanding and positive meaning in the minds of its customers. Thus, because it is more than the product, when thinking about a brand, linguistic, psychological and social aspects should be highlighted in its brand strategy

A priori, the concept of brands is deeply linked to brand positioning, that is, the battle for the consumer's mind. To create a well-structured value, it is necessary to have a clear and coherent positioning that is different from the competition. Positioning can be understood, basically as an attractive promise, that marketers make to win over consumers. However, it is important to be honest and make promises that you will keep. In the current digital economy scenario, customers have the power to research and evaluate the actions of brands.

Brands are a direct consequence of market segmentation and product differentiation strategies. With disruptive technology , products and trends more and more instantaneous, the brand needs to be dynamic enough to behave in certain ways in specific situations. However, these changes cannot reach the personality defended by the company. Personality is the raison d'être of the brand and must be constant. 

The constancy of personality and a well-created identity make imitation difficult, strengthen the brand, in addition to:

  1. Guide and perfect the brand strategy.
  2. Provide brand expansion options.
  3. Improve brand memorization
  4. Create meaning and concentration for the company.
  5. Generate a great competitive advantage.
  6. Offer ownership over a communication symbol.
  7. provide efficiency in terms of cost of running campaigns.

O marketing the era of brands definitely lives. The solution for maintain competitiveness is to have a differentiated brand and fix it in the consumer's mind. Therefore, the key to success is the use of the concept of marketing through positioning strategies.

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