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Blog Human Experience: the importance of focusing on human experience

Human Experience: the importance of focusing on human experience

Today our conversation will be about Human Experience, that is, a creation of experiences centered on people. In this method, companies abandon the habit of treating people only as users or consumers, and start treating them as human beings, respecting their emotions and feelings beyond consumption. 

In our text “ 6 human attributes that will strengthen your company”, We have already pointed out the benefits of adopting a more humane stance in the negotiations. 

But what does that change in your marketing strategies? 

We are so connected to technology that we sometimes forget that it is the human being who is behind it all. It is human beings who receive the ads and content that your company shares. 

Thus, it was predictable that the concept of Human Experience would gain strength. Since the intention behind this concept is to bring brands and consumers closer together, based on the human essence that is often lost in the digital world. 

Amid the distance caused by the new coronavirus, in which we feel alone, with no time to socialize, the concept of Human Experience makes much more sense, as it seeks to reconnect human beings to their essence. 

What is the difference between Human Experience, User Experience and Customer Centric?

The difference is easy to point out, the User Experience is the user's interactions with interfaces and digital products that guide their development to deliver value to the public (most used in design and IT). It is guided by a user-centric mentality (User Centric). The Customer Experience are the marketing and relationship strategies that aim to create a valuable experience for consumers at points of contact with the brand (most used in marketing). It is guided by a consumer-centric mindset. Now the Human Experience concept proposes that companies be Human Centric. This means focusing strategies on humans, because they don't just use or consume products - they just live. And brands and products are just one element of your life. In addition, Human Experience encompasses not only people who are outside, but also employees and partners who are part of the company. 

Understand the pillars of Human Experience

From the perspective of the Human Experience concept, these are the pillars that you must raise in your company:


First, outline your purpose. Purpose is what gives meaning to your actions. In other words, it is that feeling that we are part of something bigger and that we are important to it. With a well-defined purpose, your company will engage employees, customers and consumers.


Empathy is the ability to understand the world in someone else's eyes. It is an exercise of putting yourself in the other's place to acknowledge their pain, feelings and emotions, without any judgment. Through it your company will refuse to make or share content that is racist, homophobic or xenophobic, for example. 


For most companies, assuming their authenticity is a challenge. In general, they want to show that they are perfect, without fail, because it could damage their reputation in the market. But we know that brands are made by people, and people make mistakes and get them right, they have positions and opinions.

For this reason, authentic companies are those that know how to deal with their vulnerabilities. Thus, they become more human and awaken the identification of people, because imperfection is a trait of humanity.


Because they are sociable beings, people like to feel accepted and valued by others. When they manifest, they like to be heard. When they love, they like to be loved back. Therefore, reciprocity is also important in Human Experience.

Apply Human Experience to your business

  • Incorporate brand purpose and values ​​into everyday life
  • Create a culture of error acceptance
  • Understand human needs
  • Respect people's timing
  • Create spaces of care and welcome

With this step by step you will implement Human Experience in your business. With this, in addition to slightly improving the lives of people who have a connection with your company, you will earn a profit by generating more leads and retaining your customers.

I hope you enjoyed this content.

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See you later! 
