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Blog LinkedIn Ads: Benefits of Rich Materials on LinkedIn for B2B Companies

LinkedIn Ads: Benefits of Rich Materials on LinkedIn for B2B Companies

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LinkedIn, since its launch in 2003, has grown exponentially to become the largest professional social network in the world, with more than 774 million users across the globe. Additionally, for marketers and businesses looking to connect with other businesses (B2B), LinkedIn offers an opportunity-rich environment. Therefore, one of the effective strategies to make the most of this platform is the creation and sharing of rich materials.

What are Rich Materials?

Rich materials refer to content of high quality and value, usually in the form of eBooks, whitepapers, webinars, infographics, videos or case studies. Additionally, they are designed to educate, inform and engage target audiences by providing valuable information on topics relevant to your industry or niche market. These materials are often made available for download in exchange for contact information such as name and email address, allowing companies to build relationships with qualified leads.

E-books are the best and most successful lead generation strategies among B2B audience. Plus, target customers are always looking for ways to resolve their issues quickly. And if your rich material provides the necessary information on how to do this, they will trust your abilities as a professional, looking to build a relationship with you. 

On the marketing side, e-books are the perfect digital magnets for capturing company contacts.

More B2B company contacts on LinkedIn

Contact generation strategies often start with lead magnets. Lead magnets are free information that encourages a person to sign up for an email list. This list usually includes rich material, white papers, research studies, checklists, questionnaires and more. 

One of the most successful lead magnets on LinkedIn are e-books, as they are a sure-fire way to convey your expertise on a specific topic. 

Therefore, you start a contact generation strategy by creating an ad for this rich material and encouraging users who see your ad to download it in exchange for the email. 

Additionally, when using an ad, it automates the lead generation process, which in turn ends up producing even more business leads. It is a productive “vicious cycle”. 

Higher quality B2B contacts

A high-converting ebook usually addresses a specific problem experienced by a certain group of people. Additionally, it empathizes with their challenges and presents actionable points that can be implemented to get to the next level of business. 

If these people read your book and the strategies you propose help them succeed, they will become higher quality contacts. This way, once they see how much of an expert you are on the subject, they are likely to purchase similar products or services from you – especially when you nurture them with a drip campaign.

Increased conversion rates with email marketing on LinkedIn

To download your eBook, your LinkedIn audience needs to join your email list. Therefore, if the rich material ends up providing effective solutions to your challenges, your subscribers will become active.

However, they start reading your emails and slowly become convinced that you are an expert on that particular subject. These subscribers are much more likely to convert because of the trust they have developed.

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How to generate contacts on LinkedIn using rich materials

Lead generation is an indispensable part of every business. If you want paying customers, you need a reliable flow of qualified contacts. In other words, since rich materials are one of the most powerful lead generation strategies on any social platform, let me show you how to use it to acquire leads for your products or services via LinkedIn:

Create rich material focused on what you do

Define your target customer's biggest challenge and create an e-book about your possible solutions and how it connects to your products or services. Additionally, create content that directly addresses how you are an expert at solving the pain points your target audience is facing.

Create an ad for the ebook on LinkedIn

Once you've completed the rich material, it's time to create a LinkedIn ad. Adjust your ad settings to focus on your target audience and people. What’s more, don’t forget to include an ebook-focused CTA, like “Download now.” Select your budget and campaign duration, taking care to always optimize so that the cost-per-lead (CPL) decreases over time.

Create a landing page to access rich material

After clicking on the ad, your prospects should be directed to a landing page where they access the rich material by submitting their emails on a contact form. To optimize your landing page, the offer and CTA must be easy to find. Furthermore, they may even appear multiple times on the same page. Either way, your landing page shouldn't overload the reader with information, but it should be short and to the point, so readers know to download the ebook.

Integrate contact generation into your CRM

Once you acquire their emails and other contact information, these contacts (leads) will automatically be added to your CRM if you have integrated the contact form for this. Plus, you can start nurturing them through email marketing campaigns as part of a comprehensive marketing automation strategy.

Nurture contacts through campaigns and content

Finally, campaigns involve sending automated emails to a specific segment of your subscribers to help them solve their problems while building brand authority.

Additionally, these emails are often prepared and sent in a sequence over a specific period of time with the goal of getting the subscriber to complete a specific action, such as purchasing a product or service.

Once your prospects have joined your email list, use campaigns to convert them into customers. Additionally, other forms of content you can submit include relevant articles, blogs, and short video series.

The relevance of investing in LinkedIn and creating, as they say, a “killer campaign” — an effective and powerful campaign — is highly recommended for your brand’s digital strategy. 

Therefore, we can say that LinkedIn is one of the main showcases for your company. Making good use of this tool is an excellent way to consolidate your digital presence and promote your business. And, as we've seen, this especially works when it comes to B2B companies.


Rich materials play a vital role in the marketing strategy of B2B companies on LinkedIn. Additionally, they help establish authority, generate qualified leads, increase brand visibility, create meaningful connections, and provide data for ongoing optimization. However, by investing in creating and sharing rich materials, companies can make the most of LinkedIn and achieve success in their B2B marketing strategies.

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