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Blog LinkedIn starts testing Stories to make social networking lighter

LinkedIn starts testing Stories to make social networking lighter

LinkedIn has always been a social network formed by companies and people who want to enter the job market. Platform a little different from facebook and instagram for example. However, to make things lighter, Microsoft recently announced the initiation of testing for the implementation of Stories (something similar to Snapchat). 

The objective would be to make the social network more dynamic, encouraging companies to make lighter and more casual publications in order to dialogue with their followers. Experimenting mainly with a “new conversation format”. 

Currently the only form of interaction on LinkedIn is through corporate text posts on your timeline. From this, users “react” to publications, something similar to Facebook. 

Most modern platform 

Everything indicates that the social network has been looking for ways to change its corporate identity, looking for something more “modern” for its programming. Leaving the environment less serious. In an increasingly technological world, it is important to attract users' attention and promote the search for new “customers”. Above all, make companies interested and seek to use the platform to their advantage. The feature is already in the internal test phase. 

It is not the first time that the platform has tested a new feature to have greater interaction with its users. In 2018, the social network experimented with the “Student Voices” tool. The expectation was high, but it didn't work out very well. The experiment consisted of university students publishing videos in a kind of “playlist” located at the top of the application. 

Anyway, LinkedIn did not disclose whether the posting of Stories will be allowed to the general public. Internal tests are still going on and it seems that the company already has plans for broader public tests. However, the date has not yet been revealed.
