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Blog Microcopy: improve the user experience

Microcopy: improve the user experience

Do you care about your company's online presence? Do you notice if your user experience is positive?

Points that seem irrelevant, or very small, can directly impact your conversion rates and your revenue. One of these elements is the microcopy: few words, inserted in a context, that make a lot of difference to the fluidity of the user experience.

Microcopy, or in good Portuguese “microtext”, is nothing more than the idea of ​​transmitting information through short texts. The main feature of these microtexts is the ability to create a connection with the user, which can be through a CTA or even a promotional title. 

After all, microcopy is extremely important for accessibility. Yes, for accessibility! Microtexts are read by reading applications that allow for easier navigation. In summary, microcopy can be decisive when consumers choose or not for their service.    

What are the advantages of microcopy? 

The microcopy allows your company's message to be delivered more clearly to the user, without the risk of ambiguity. 

Through it the user can demonstrate emotions, we can mention for example on Facebook the options to like, or express any other reaction through a button. In addition, it is widely used to explain an action such as "register" or "" your password must contain at least 4 characters ", or for feedbacks on actions performed" your account was created successfully ".

When creating a microcopy use a human language that is easily understood by the user. Make your text represent the personality of the brand. Despite the limitation of pixels and characters in the microtexts, the right choice of words can help convey some of the brand values ​​to your users.

How to write a good microcopy?

Be brief 

The text is reduced not for nothing. For the statement to be clear, it must be between a word and a brief sentence. If it is larger, it can damage the structure of the interface. So don't go around, get straight to the point.

Must be directed

The microcopy must be on top of or very close to the action you want it to perform. The text must be so straightforward and guide in such a simple way that it doesn't even have to be noticed to call for action.

Observe the context

In short, no interface should be static! The microcopy helps to transform it into something flexible, which adapts to the user's needs and actions. To instruct and not confuse, the text must change according to the context.

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