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Blog Mobile Marketing: what are the advantages of this strategy?

Mobile Marketing: what are the advantages of this strategy?

The use of smartphones has become common to the point that they seem attached to our body. 

From this scenario it is evident that investing in mobile marketing is essential for any business.

The cell phone is the medium that people use most to access the internet. 

Here are some data: 

  • More than 70 million Brazilians use their cell phones daily to access the internet.
  • 52% of Brazilian internet users make payments using mobile devices.
  • 83% of Brazilians say they don't leave home without their smartphones.

What is mobile marketing?   

It is a strategy that seeks to influence a particular group through mobile devices, that is, it seeks to reach the target audience on their smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices, through e-mails, SMS messages, social networks and applications. Basically, the intention is to promote products, services, brands and companies. Mobile marketing can also be used to build a positive image, reinforce your brand's reputation or authority. 

Investing in mobile marketing is a great way to leverage your brand and stand out in the market. 

In addition it has other advantages such as: 

Increase in the number of sales

The number of purchases by smartphone follows the number of adepts to use the devices. The consumer is shopping through mobile devices, not investing in mobile marketing is missing the opportunity to reach your audience and sell more. 

Audience segmentation

Most cell phones have GPS, this feature allows your company to make a segmentation and show ads only to users who are within driving distance of your business. With geolocation it is easier to attract users with greater potential to become a customer, thus, the conversion rate tends to increase. 

Allows the use of applications

As we pointed out in the text “Leverage your company's engagement using apps”The use of applications is totally positive for your marketing strategy.

In addition to being able to create your own application, you can use social media applications, such as Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, LinkedIn

Agility in serving the public

First of all, because people keep their cell phones close most of the time, it’s easier for them to see your messages and notifications. In addition to being able to communicate more quickly with your company if you have any questions, suggestions or complaints. 

Examples of mobile marketing actions:

SMS and / or WhatsApp campaign

An up-and-coming strategy, but not for everyone. Make sure you have permission to send an SMS message and WhatsApp for your customers. 

If so, you can use this feature in a variety of ways to keep your customer relationship active. For example, it may be to remember payment dates, inform product or service launches, send exclusive promotions and coupons, among other possibilities.

Adwords campaigns

Like on Facebook, Google Adwords allows you to target your ads directly to anyone who is browsing via their mobile phone. So, in addition to the right keywords, you can take advantage of the location of your business. After all, much of the research on mobiles is local.

bluetooth marketing

Derived from mobile marketing, there is a very interesting type of action, which is called proximity marketing. It uses the bluetooth functionality of cell phones to share files and publicize your business to those close to the location.

Communicate to consumers about this option, as it will only be successful if they are interested in receiving this type of message.


QR code marketing

QR Code technology has revolutionized the interaction between consumers and brands.

With a simple 2D barcode, you can direct the consumer to a specific page on your website quickly and safely. That is, through your printed pieces, a simple pamphlet, for example, you can expand your offline marketing efforts.


In short, your customer has his cell phone in hand waiting for his actions, start now!

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See you later!
