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Blog Google Search Found 25 Billion Spam Pages Per Day

Google Search Found 25 Billion Spam Pages Per Day

Google has released a video talking about search spam and what it is doing to protect searches from "spam sites, phishing scams, and other threats". One metric that stood out was that Google detected “25 billion spam pages every day” in 2020.

Here is the super short video:

In the video, Google claims that Unfortunately, the Internet is also home to a surprising amount of spam and other not-so-wonderful things that they are working hard to protect the user from.

Like the spam you can find in your email, there are spam sites, phishing scams, and other threats on the web that try to infiltrate search results by posing as highly relevant pages, but which are actually of very low quality, or they may even try to trick you into providing personal information or installing malware.

Google created the survey to automatically detect such threats and keep them out of its main results. And this is not a minor problem. Last year alone, Google's systems found 25 billion spam pages every day.

Every day 25 billion spam pages were detected!

Source: Search Engine Round Table
