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Blog Trello: A way to organize your personal and professional life

Trello: A way to organize your personal and professional life

 We talked earlier about the benefits of Slack in your team's internal communication. Today is the day to talk about organizing tasks.

 Na Amplifica Digital we use Trello as a way to manage the tasks of the whole team. 

What is Trello?
Available for desktop and also for Android and iPhone phones (iOS), the platform is extremely versatile. Detail, Trello does not necessarily need to be used only in the company. You can use it to organize your household chores, your travel plans, your study priorities.

Because it shapes itself according to the objectives of each user, Trello can be used both by a single individual and for teamwork. 

Available in Portuguese, Trello is a collaborative tool that organizes projects on boards (boards), in which lists of tasks are inserted to be followed individually or as a team. Each list receives cards (cards) with descriptions, deadlines and objectives to be completed.

Boards can be shared with anyone registered with Trello, and it is possible to add multiple users to the cards. Marking someone on a card not only means determining that that team member is responsible for the task at hand, it also makes everyone else on the board aware of what each person is currently working on.

Trello also has a color labeling system. Thus, in addition to helping to categorize activities, the feature facilitates the filtering of cards during searches on the platform. Urgent items can be flagged in red, and tasks in progress can be marked in yellow, for example. 

How to use Trello? 

1- Sign the tool: how to sign up on Trello:

Visit the site https://trello.com/. Trello can be used free of charge, there is only a charge if you upgrade your free plan to Business Class or Enterprise. However, Trello's Free plan is already quite complete. On the website, fill in your details or use a Google account to register.

2- Create your first painting: 

After registering, click on “go to your pictures”, even if you haven't created any yet. In this step you can create personal pictures, which only you can see, or pictures for your team. The team board offers more functionality. To create a board for your team, click on "New board" under "My team". 

Put a name on your board, click on the upper left corner, where it says “New board”. Type the name you want to give it in the field that appears and click on "Rename" on the green button. 

3- Add members 

Anyway, next to the Trello logo, there is an icon to add members to your board, click on that icon to open a window like this, to invite new members. Fill in the fields with the email of the person you want to include as a member and include a message explaining what it is about. There is the possibility to send links, too, to invite members. Just copy and paste the link and share it with anyone who wants it to be part of your board.

The other features can be accessed intuitively, Trello is an easy to use tool. 

One of the differentials of Trello is that it is very visual, with the cards being easy to locate (even more so when cataloged by colored labels) and separated in columns by subjects. As much as other services are interesting for creating lists and checklists, they do not offer the same possibilities that Trello is capable of providing, especially in terms of versatility. 

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See you later!
