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Portfolio BMSIX



Founded in 2011, BMSIX is a technology company with more than 200 projects carried out in Cloud Computing. It delivers digital transformation solutions to finance companies, retail companies and software development companies.


  • Create a layout from scratch that would convey the brand values;
  • Find a creative path for ads.


For the layout of the BMSIX website it is built around its mission: Deliver digital transformation solutions. With the clean design it creates an inviting atmosphere that keeps the person browsing for hours. The illustrations serve as a support for all the informative content it contains on the website. All of this is thought of in the user experience.
Facebook and Instagram format ads


In order to dialogue directly with the target audience of BMSIX, a study and some tests were carried out until reaching the current creative path of their social networks. The focus is on sans serif typography and with different weights creating an information hierarchy, that is, the words that need to be highlighted are in bold and the rest of the information is like a medium weight. The illustrations, besides being informative and dialog with the informative content, give the necessary charm to the creative piece. The ads are created in different formats: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Stories.
Linkedin format ads
Aannouncements in the Facebook and Instagram format of one of the events
BMSIX is a company that hosts numerous events throughout the year, so we develop creative pieces focused on informing and attracting the public. Ads are created in different formats for social networks.

Social Rede

Last but not least, we created a coherent creative line to make the BMSIX brand known throughout its communication channels.