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Portfolio T2 Software

T2 Software

T2 Software

Founded in 2010, T2 Software is a software company specializing in secure supply chain systems. They provide maximum return to their customers by offering modern and efficient tools.


  • Create a layout for the website;
  • Find a creative path for ads.


For the layout of the T2 Software website, the clean design creates an inviting atmosphere for the user making it comfortable.
Facebook and Instagram format ads


In order to dialogue directly with the target audience of T2 Software, a study and some tests were carried out until reaching the current creative path of their social networks. The big difference for T2 Software's ads are the illustrations. The ads are created in different formats: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin and Stories.
Linkedin format ads
T2 Software conducts numerous Webinars throughout the year and, therefore, we develop creative pieces focused on informing and attracting the public. Ads are created in different formats for social networks.

Social Rede

Last but not least, we created a coherent creative line to make the T2 Software brand known throughout its communication channels.