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Blog How to maintain productivity in the home office

How to maintain productivity in the home office

Coronavirus, nothing else is said, and rightly so since we are in the middle of the pandemic. 

We are going through a critical moment that calls for serious measures for the good living of the global population. Among the guidelines of the WHO (World Health Organization) is creating social isolation. 

After all, what is Coronavirus?

 Coronavirus is a family of viruses that can cause damage to animals and humans. In people, it can result in respiratory infections ranging from a cold to severe acute respiratory syndromes. O new coronavirus (SARS-Cov-2) causes the disease called COVID-19, which started in China in December 2019.

The Ministry of Health says there is no medicine, substance, vitamin, specific food or vaccine that can prevent infection with the new coronavirus.

But the following preventive measures are indicated:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer when the first option is not possible;
  •  Avoid touching the eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands;
  • Avoid close contact with sick people;
  •  Stay at home when you are sick;
  • Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of it in the trash after use;
  • Do not share glasses, cutlery and personal effects;
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Maintain well-ventilated environments and clean your hands after coughing or sneezing.

You may have read or watched in a newspaper that to contain the pandemic of the new coronavirus (Covid-19), and to overcome the proliferation of the virus, it is necessary to maintain social distance and, if possible, isolate yourself at home.

To comply with this recommendation from the World Health Organization, some companies, including Amplifica Digital , adopted the home office , so that your employees are safe and the work doesn't stop. 

The home office is still something new for Brazilian workers and many have no practice with remote work. However, the current scenario calls for a drastic change in the way of working and adaptation is inevitable. But it is possible to stay active and productive during this period, to help at this point we have separated some tips: 

Determine times

Even though working from home it is important to determine times to start and stop working, follow your daily workload. Do not forget also the lunch or snack time, it is common in the home office to lose track of schedules and create eating habits that are harmful to health. 

Set aside a place to work

Choose a quiet and comfortable environment in the house, where you can stay focused. Tell people who live with you not to interrupt your time of dedication to work. Explain the situation to family members and ask for understanding and respect for your working hours. 

Do not work in pajamas, dress appropriately to do your job

Dress to work at home, as if you were going to the office. When you wake up, have coffee and dress up like you're going to work. This will help you to keep your mind active and create a routine. 

Align goals between leaders and employees. 

Define and organize the daily workload, in addition to listing the jobs delivered. Point out what the priorities are and keep the agenda organized. In addition, maintain communication with the team through pre-scheduled meetings. 

Anyway, visit our blog for news about the impact of Coronavirus on various technology sectors and also for more information on digital marketing strategies. 

See you later!
