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Blog Geomarketing, how to use it in your sales strategy

Geomarketing, how to use it in your sales strategy

Are you looking for ways to reinvent yourself and rethink your business? 

Our blog offers tips that can help in this phase, today we will talk about Geomarketing. 

When thinking about sales strategies, it is recommended that you make a good audience segmentation. This allows for an assertive campaign that generates more fruits. 

Among the possible segmentations there is the geographic that will make geomarketing possible. 

What is geomarketing?

In summary, geomarketing is the area that studies the relationships between business strategies and policies and the territory or space where the company, its customers, consumers, suppliers and distribution points are located. Likewise, there is also the possibility of classifying it as an advanced marketing technique that privileges the location of the public for the definition of strategies. 

Other definitions for the term are geographic market intelligence or location intelligence, this methodology provides the development of effective strategies to sell more, reduce costs and increase results, through georeferenced information.

From the analysis of geographic data, geomarketing makes it possible to identify market trends, monitor competition and, thus, make more assertive decisions about campaigns. 

This function allows you to study the preferences of each location and deliver a solution that arouses your interest, and at a price that takes into account its economic characteristics.

How to collect the data?

 As we pointed out in the text “From clipboard to digital, advances in data collection”, There are different ways to collect this data. Currently, with advances in technology and, especially, in the fever of smartphones, it is feasible that the IP addresses of computers and the addresses of GPS enabled on cell phones are used by brands. With this data, you will be able to extract information about your audience's behavior and create more assertive content. That way, you will spend less and have a much higher return.

Which sectors can use geomarketing?

Geographic intelligence was initially linked to the retail sector, but today it can and should be used by other sectors.

Geomarketing has broad functions, for several sectors, and can be used both for a spatial view on a micro scale and in a broader perspective, as in the case of consumer goods industries that need to discover opportunities for product penetration by municipality.  

Geomarketing can be used both offline and online. 

In offline, geomarketing assists in the identification of points of sale, distribution of goods and competition. In the case of the online medium, it facilitates user engagement, public assertiveness and better planning of local actions.

Geomarketing is divided into some strategies

1. Geotagging

Geotagging is one of the ways of capturing the location of users through markings of the location of the Facebook and Instagram. As it is a spontaneous publication, it tends to generate good organic results and engagement.

2. Geotargeting

Geotargeting is the segmentation of a portion of the public by its location. You can create ads on Google or Facebook and use this strategy as one of the requirements.

This is a good alternative for local businesses or that only serve physical stores. That way, ads appear only to people who will actually have access to your products or services.

3. Check-ins

Check-ins on social networks are also one of the strategies of geomarketing. It is important that the brand encourages the use of this tool, as it increases spontaneous engagement and brand recall.

Remember to offer exclusive offers, discounts and services to customers who carry out this type of action.

4. Geofencing

Geofencing, on the other hand, allows brands to offer discounts and content in real time, based on user movement. With GPS information, applications send specific offers to the user when he is close to a certain region.

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