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Blog Marketing and the challenges of technology companies

Marketing and the challenges of technology companies

My name is Eric Klein, I’m the founder of the agency Amplifica Digital

We have a strong presence in the prospecting part for technology companies, because our background is technological. 

The experience acquired in this environment, in addition to specializing in specific niches, enabled us, among other things, to understand:

  • How technology companies operate.

  • How they make money.

  • Services that need to be leveraged.

What are the marketing solutions for companies?

1 . To leverage the operation, companies rely on their sales team to do the normal prospecting. However, the sales team needs to work together with the digital marketing team, as it assists in some pillars such as:

  • Expanding the digital presence 

  • Generation of new leads 

  • Creation of a different movement in the digital environment

  • Conducting new business 

2. Targeting campaigns according to the company's objectives. Campaigns on digital platforms have a lot of effect, especially if the company operates in the B2B model. 

3. Assistance in launching new products or services in order to generate new business. 

4. Production and regular posting of useful content on the company's website.

5. Use of the material produced for the generation of Leads . Leads is a term widely used in the market today, and totally useful when it comes to closing deals. A good tool to be used to acquire Leads is Linkedin.

6. Expansion of the reach of physical or online events in the digital environment. Thus expanding the network of people who will attend the event physically or online.  

A  Amplifica digital created a methodology called Amplifica 10X, which is based on diagnosing the company's digital environment and being able to identify gaps, that is, failures and points that can be rethought and improved. 

In short, with regard to the digital environment, we have managed to improve digital strategies with a focus on the desired results. 

Our main objective is to help companies in this challenge, which is to remain competitive in this new era of digital transformation. 

 For more texts and videos, visit our blog!

See you!
