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Blog Storytelling in digital marketing

Storytelling in digital marketing

The term storytelling, at first glance, can scare or seem like something difficult to be practiced. However, it is something very simple like what comes to mind when hearing “storytelling, it is simply telling a story. 

Telling a creative story can attract your target audience and increase your sales. Storytelling can be created from written or audiovisual narratives. 

   You can use this method in your digital marketing strategy, in the end the result should be higher conversions and sales. This is because consumers, in fact, people in general, like a story that holds them back.

    First, the narrative has to be interesting to achieve its objective. Share a little of the company's history, knowledge and learning. This will enable your target audience to be effectively and affectionately attracted to your brand. 

What is storytelling?

Today there is a lot of information available, so companies need to rethink themselves in order to attract leads. From this context, the idea of ​​the art of storytelling arises. 

The use of storytelling in the business and communication world has gained proportion with the growth of digital. However, it is not that this was not done before, since we can find very old cases with advertising campaigns in order to tell stories to sell products. However, discussions about the theme and the dissemination of its meanings are relatively recent.

 The purpose of this technique is to create a lasting relationship and bonds with your audience, reader or customer, while telling a story about the company, the product, service or any point relevant to the business. 

Our brain retains stories better than data. When doing a narrative, parts of the brain are activated linked to sound, movement, taste and sight. Factors that can emotionally contribute to the decision or a choice. Since, people identify with stories of others who share the same pain or problem. 

Anyway, storytelling humanizes your product or service, bringing the brand closer to your audience. Conquering the motivation of employees, assisting in campaigns, engaging their readers and generating brand authority. Actions so sought after by the marketing of our companies.

What needs to have a good storytelling?

Power is in a story with great strategy and passion. These are important points that lead to positive results. Thus, it is important to point out that the narrative needs important elements:

  • Hold attention;
  • Be visual;
  • Arouse emotions in your reader or audience;
  • Be interactive;
  • Promote dialogues;
  • Show facts;
  • Present a character that the public identifies with;
  • A conflict (problem) that will be resolved in the course of the narrative;
  • To have a beginning, middle and end;
  • Answer the questions: what? who? When? Where? Because?

When telling stories, it guarantees positive advantages to digital marketing, such as:

  • Increased engagement;
  • Approaching the brand with the customer;
  • Establishing connections;
  • Influence on other people's lives;
  • Establishing an audience loyal to your brand;
  • Promotion of recognition of a source of inspiration;
  • Memorization and recognition of your business.
  • This feature can provide a significant change in business and good opportunities for the company. 

The power of storytelling

In short, by creating identifiable stories, the brand is able to connect with people, portraying situations that the target audience would be able to live in their daily lives. In addition, good stories generate the most diverse emotional reactions, such as crying, laughter or compassion. Hardly anyone shares a technical listing of the characteristics of a product, since a very well-told and exciting narrative can become a publication in the feed of various profiles.

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