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Blog SUS launches app with information about Coronavirus

SUS launches app with information about Coronavirus

There is a lot of misinformation going on the internet about COVID-19. For this reason, the Ministry of Health recently launched the “Coronavirus -SUS” application. The app brings various information about the disease. The application indicates how to prevent the virus, an exclusive news page and, above all, service station addresses.

The application

The app is available for Android and iOS, and it is possible to find a map in its opening interface. In addition, the application uses the user's geolocation, displaying health centers and hospitals nearby. The page also has a red button where the question "are you feeling bad?" and after that, bring a questionnaire that can help to identify coronavirus infection. 

In fact, the app also has a division with a tab called “tips” that obtains various information from the Ministry of Health about the disease. In addition, it also includes details of the virus, symptoms and treatment. 

Against fake news 

A very important fact about the application is that it contains a page warning about rumors and false news involving COVID-19. Fake News about cures or treatments are appearing more and more, and the Ministry of Health thinks it is extremely important to alert the population. In addition, the page includes the main news about the virus released by the government. The news are not updated in real time, and the platform used is the Ministry of Health's twitter. In fact, some social networks like Facebook have been avoiding the fakes news about the disease for some time. 

How to download the application:

In summary, the app can be downloaded for free via smartphones on the “Play Store” pages for Android and the App Store for iOS. The program is not very heavy and occupies less than 10MB on the google system. Finally, the government is making information about the virus available on the Ministry of Health's website and also on social networks.
