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29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

It's a pleasure to welcome you to 29th edition of the Newsletter Amplifica Digital, where we will cover topics about marketing and sales.

ABM, or Account-Based Marketing, is a powerful strategy that directs marketing efforts to specific accounts rather than a broader audience.

By customizing the approach to meet the needs of each target company, the ABM generates more meaningful relationships and impactful results.

Focusing on selected accounts allows us to identify real business opportunities and increase the relevance of our actions.

With detailed research and in-depth understanding of each potential client, we can create highly personalized content and offers, thus increasing the chances of successful negotiations.

Furthermore, the ABM is especially effective for businesses B2B, delivering a higher ROI and measurable results.

If you want to achieve significant results and maximize the potential of each business, ABM is the strategy you should adopt.

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

The 95-5 rule, is a theory that describes how the shopping environment behaves most of the time. It shows us that 95% of potential buyers are not ready to buy today, or you do not yet have the need to purchase the good or service.

There is no doubt that the need for a complete and integrated action plan to promote a business is a consensus among marketing and sales leaders. However, with so many fronts to act on, uncertainty when deciding which strategies are best becomes common.

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

However, leadership challenges can be better overcome when the marketing strategy is created in tune with the business and long-term financial results. In this sense, considering the 95-5 rule to establish a consistent path in marketing and sales actions in the B2B market can be fundamental in building relationships., connecting with future buyers and ensuring financial results.

The 95-5 Rule for Marketing and Sales B2B Brands

It may seem strange, but only 5% of business customers are in the market and ready to buy many of the goods and services available.

Especially, in the B2B market, the interval between purchases of goods and services is usually quite long.


The Account-Based Marketing (ABM) strategy and the 95-5 rule share the importance of directing efforts to reach the right buyers at the right time. While ABM focuses on personalization for specific accounts, the 95-5 rule reminds you that most buyers aren't ready to buy right away.

Combining these approaches allows companies to meet the immediate needs of ready buyers while building long-term relationships with those still in the consideration stage. This creates a comprehensive strategy that addresses multiple purchasing journeys, resulting in better short- and long-term financial results.

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

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29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

29th New Marketing and Sales Trends

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