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Blog Webinar – ABM for technology companies

Webinar – ABM for technology companies

The importance of ABM to drive results

Our Webinar event – ​​Account Based Marketing for technology companies brought important topics on how to implement ABM in companies in this sector.

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) has become an increasingly relevant strategy for companies that want to maximize their commercial results. In this article, we'll explore key ABM concepts and practices, as well as discuss the importance of a personalized and targeted approach to winning strategic accounts. In addition, we will cover the use of prospecting tools and strategies, the relevance of creating quality content and respecting privacy regulations.

What is Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

Account-Based Marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on creating relationships and generating business with specific and strategically selected accounts. However, rather than directing marketing efforts at the general public, ABM customizes communication and marketing actions to meet the individual needs of each account.

Foresight plays a key role in ABM, and it's important to adopt strategic approaches to maximize results. This includes using prospecting tools such as LinkedIn to build relationships with key decision makers within selected accounts. In addition, it is essential to respect privacy rules and regulations, such as the LGPD, guaranteeing the permission and consent of contacts.

Content plays an essential role in the success of ABM. It is necessary to create relevant, educational and personalized materials for each account, aiming to establish authority and add value throughout the purchase process. Producing quality content takes time and investment, but is critical to engaging and nurturing selected accounts.

Measurement and monitoring of results

Measurement is a crucial step in ABM, as it allows you to track the evolution of accounts and assess the return on investment (ROI). It is essential to monitor interactions and account engagement, recording all actions taken and analyzing the results obtained. This provides valuable insights to adjust and improve the strategy over time.

Account-Based Marketing is a powerful strategy to drive business results, especially when it comes to winning over strategic accounts and generating business opportunities. By taking a personalized, targeted, and collaborative approach between marketing and sales teams, companies can increase their effectiveness in generating leads and closing sales. The use of prospecting tools, the creation of relevant content and the continuous analysis of results are essential elements for the success of ABM. By strategically and consistently implementing ABM, companies can achieve significant and lasting results in their growth strategy.

For more information on the subject, watch the full video of the event on YouTube, which was made directly from Amplifica Studio.

If you want to talk to one of our experts about ABM for technology companies, visit the following link now: https://amplificadigital.com.br/abm-empresas-tecnologia-b2b/