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#EP40 — From the periphery to business leadership, a chat with Valmir Colodrão

In our newest episode of AmplificaCast, we had the honor of receiving Valmir Colodrão, the visionary entrepreneur, businessman and author of the autobiographical book “Minha Jornada Da Periferia A Wall Street”, who shared with us part of his extraordinary life story.

From a poor boy, born in São Bernardo do Campo and raised in the violent and problematic outskirts of Diadema, Valmir became a business administrator and reinvented himself until he reached Wall Street: Valmir Colodrão's trajectory is a journey of inspiring struggle, permeated by sacrifices and renunciations that took him to places and to a position that not even he believed it would be possible to achieve.

Coming from a more than humble family, so to speak, Valmir faced countless challenges since he was a child. However, he had an ambitious dream of achieving success in business. Driven by fierce persistence, he worked tirelessly to pay for his own studies. This immense determination became his trademark throughout his career.

From an intern, he rose through the ranks until he established himself as a prominent executive in the transport technology sector. Under his visionary leadership, the company implemented a revolution in processes and innovations: Valmir saw further and put advanced management concepts into practice. Under his visionary leadership, the company underwent a completely disruptive transformation in terms of processes and innovations.

The results were impressive: the company's revenue increased fivefold in a decade. Valmir's greatest achievement, after receiving funding from a Swedish fund in 2015 and purchasing some companies, was to have helped with the merger of Praxis to Nstech, in 2021. Incredibly, Valmir has formed the most complete open logistics of the world, with plans to take the company public in New York!

So, be sure to watch episode number 40 of our AmplificaCast! Stay up to date with all the details and insights extracted from this inspiring and motivational conversation that Valmir Colodrão gave us!