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Blog From the periphery to business leadership: Valmir Colodrão’s inspiring journey

From the periphery to business leadership: Valmir Colodrão’s inspiring journey

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The beginning of everything…

The beginning of Valmir Colodrão's inspiring journey took place in Diadema, an area marked by challenges and the need to coexist with poverty and violence. His childhood, spent on the outskirts, was marked by limitations and a constant struggle for survival. Despite this, Valmir had an ambitious dream of having professional success and owning his own business.

From an early age, Valmir demonstrated restlessness and the desire for change, to achieve prosperity. At age 12, he started selling sweets with a neighbor, driven not by immediate need, but by an ambition to build his own story. Valmir and his five brothers faced many difficulties, but never went hungry, thanks to the family's joint effort.

Valmir always wanted something beyond that limiting reality for his life. His first formal work was through the Círculo de Amigos do Menino Patrulheiro, an institution aimed at young people in situations of social vulnerability. Despite his father's hesitations, Valmir persisted and was sent to work in a company at the age of 13. His commitment and dedication were evident, always giving his best in any situation.

Within the corporate world, Valmir started working as an office boy in a bus company, where his father was a driver. He later joined a Japanese metallurgical company, where he learned about the importance of discipline and following rules. At a young age, Valmir turned down an offer that would have tripled his salary to continue his academic training in data processing, demonstrating that he had a long-term vision for his career.

The path to business success: Valmir Colodrão and BGM

Valmir Colodrão progressed based on determination, a desire to learn and a constant search for improvements to transform his life. He has always believed that, with effort and dedication, it would be possible for him to overcome all those challenges and achieve success.

Crucial career decisions: Valmir faced a significant dilemma in his career when he had the opportunity to change course and triple his salary. Despite challenging circumstances, he chose to pursue his passion for data processing, a decision that shaped his future. His determination to pursue opportunities, even without prior experience, is a testament to his willpower and courage to face challenges.

First steps at BGM: Valmir's journey at BGM began when he accepted an invitation to work as a computer operator at a bus company where he had been an office boy. This opportunity marked the beginning of his career in the transport sector. Valmir stood out for his ability to learn quickly and his willingness to take on new responsibilities, which eventually led him to become a systems analyst at the company.

Valmir emphasizes the importance of the ability to cultivate good relationships in the work environment, highlighting that respect and dedication are fundamental to advancing professionally. He notes that regardless of technical skill, good interpersonal skills are crucial to contributing effectively to an organization.

Entrepreneurship and the growth of BGM

Valmir and his partner, Edson, started as interns at BGM and, through hard work and dedication, became the main owners of the company. They faced significant financial challenges, but their careful and vigilant cash management and primary focus on positive results allowed the company to grow and prosper.

At this stage, Valmir's story highlights the importance of making conscious decisions, building positive relationships and maintaining dedication to work, meticulously taking care of every detail related to income and expenses.

The strategic merger and the birth of Praxio

BGM and Rodotec came together after a successful partnership, marked by mutual trust and commercial success. This strategic union resulted in a larger company, with twice the revenue and four partners. The focus on cash control, quality service and customer trust was fundamental to the company's continued growth.

Valmir Colodrão emphasizes the importance of transparency and respect in work relationships. He criticizes the use of the term “collaborator”, as he believes that the term does not reflect the reality of the employment relationship, advocating a more honest and direct approach with regard to the relationships of subordination and personality between employer and employee.

Unexpected challenges and difficult decisions

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges, leading to the layoff of 90 employees. Valmir highlights the importance of making difficult decisions with respect and transparency, maintaining the dignity of those involved.

There, amidst that chaotic scenario, the company adopted an approach based exclusively on indicators and strategies, with the help of Fundação Dom Cabral. This focus allowed sustainable growth and the maintenance of quality, even in times of uncertainty regarding expansion.

The merger between BGM and Rodotec, followed by a strategic approach focused on indicators, led to the formation of Praxio. The company became the market leader in its segment, reflecting the success of the austere vision and rational management of Valmir Colodrão and his partners.

Lessons from Valmir Colodrão on leadership and business growth

Valmir highlights the importance of listening to and meeting customer needs, maintaining a close relationship and attentive to their demands. Collaboration with partners was also crucial, as in the case of integration with José Eduardo Deboni's software company, which brought innovations and improvements to BGM Rodotec.

The company adopted a visible management policy, displaying indicators and targets in real time for the entire team. This approach promoted transparency and employee involvement, encouraging them to achieve established objectives.

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Merger with a Swedish business group, creating Praxio

In 2015, BGM Rodotec was acquired by a Swedish group, which led Valmir to take on the role of executive. This transition brought new challenges and learning, highlighting the importance of adapting to different management structures and maintaining a focus on the customer as the main “boss”.

The merger enabled the company's expansion, which began to acquire other companies in the transport software sector. With growth came the need to change the name to Praxis, reflecting a new phase of innovation and connection with startups.

Valmir reflects on the importance of preparing for inevitable changes in life and career, highlighting the need for humility and adaptability. He highlights the importance of maintaining a focus on the customer and delivering results, regardless of the position you occupy in a company.

Balance between customer service and financial sustainability

Valmir Colodrão discusses the importance of listening to customers, but without compromising the company's financial sustainability. It highlights the need to balance customer service with profitability, matching services to revenue to improve productivity and ensure company growth.

Praxio’s trajectory and the merger with NSTECH

Praxio, formerly BGM Rodotec, has undergone a series of transformations, including the merger with NSTECH. This merger created a larger group, capable of consolidating the transport software market. Valmir talks about the merger process and the importance of relationships and networking in the sector.

Valmir reflects on the challenges faced by business leaders, including the need to make difficult decisions and deal with the loneliness that power can bring. He also addresses the importance of preparing for changes in life and career, highlighting that leadership requires personal sacrifices and dedication.

Valmir reiterates that the customer is the main “boss” of a company, emphasizing the need to meet their needs without compromising the company’s financial health. He also discusses his departure from Praxio and the beginning of a new chapter in his career, while maintaining a focus on innovation and business expansion.

Is there life after corporate leadership? A new chapter in the life of Valmir Colodrão

After leaving the leadership of Praxio, Valmir Colodrão finds himself in a phase of life where he can make choices more freely, balancing his time between family and new ventures. It highlights the importance of making choices that align with your personal values ​​and goals.

Valmir also invests in several companies, including one with his daughter, CHECKYOU (www.checkyou.com.br), where he seeks to guide her and help her follow her own path within entrepreneurship. He uses his experience to support his daughter in her own entrepreneurial journey, guiding and helping her find her footing in the business world.

Despite still being actively involved in several projects, Valmir seeks to slow down and reflect on his current life priorities, focusing more on his family and activities that bring him personal satisfaction.

Valmir adopts a minimalist philosophy of life, valuing simplicity and detachment from material goods and titles and honors, flattery. He believes that living in a detached way contributes to a fuller and more authentic life.

Sharing experiences and inspiration with those who are starting their journey…

Through his book and lectures, Valmir aims to share his life story, inspiring others to overcome challenges, 'embrace' difficulties and pursue their dreams. He emphasizes the importance of giving your best in any situation and maintaining integrity and truth in all your actions.

There is no doubt that Valmir Colodrão will continue to be a source of inspiration and knowledge in the world of entrepreneurship, showing that, even having achieved the highest corporate success, the journey does not end: it turns into new opportunities for personal growth and contribution to the society.

The successful trajectory of Praxio, formerly known as BGM Rodotec, is a clear example of the positive impact that strategic partnerships can have on business growth. One of the most significant chapters of this journey was the collaboration with Amplifica Digital, a digital marketing solutions agency focused on generating concrete results for B2B companies.

Strategy X Growth: The partnership between Praxio and Amplifica Digital

The partnership with Amplifica Digital came at a crucial time when Praxio was looking to expand its market presence and strengthen its brand. The agency, with its expertise in digital marketing strategies, played a fundamental role in helping Praxio manage its resources and investments in a conscious and results-oriented manner.

A Amplifica Digital offers a full range of essential services for business growth, including dissemination strategies, creation of strategic content to establish brand authority, internal marketing and exclusive promotional materials for internal audiences and branding strategies.

These initiatives allow companies like Praxio and many others on the market to stand out in a competitive business environment, achieving assertive and efficient management of their resources for the crucial marketing department in any organization.

Although the partnership between Praxio and Amplifica Digital has concluded, the legacy of our agency-company collaboration remains. Experience has demonstrated to companies like Praxio the importance of working with strategic partners who can offer innovative and effective digital marketing solutions.

In summary, Praxio's journey with Amplifica Digital highlights the power of strategic partnerships in the business world. By joining forces with a competent digital marketing agency that is in tune with emerging technology trends, B2B companies can achieve extraordinary results and pave the way for sustainable success and the immortality of their brands.

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