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Blog 7 Books Every Digital Marketer Needs to Read

7 Books Every Digital Marketer Needs to Read

 When it comes to digital strategy, it's hard to think of something as old as a book. We are increasingly used to a quick reading of articles with few words and short sentences. 

Articles on the internet, if they are from a reliable source, are perfect for passing on information, however, it is advisable to go deeper with studies published in books.  

 Currently on the market we have some books that are essential for the marketer, in this article we will mention seven of them. 

1- Marketing 4.0: From traditional to digital.

With several published works, Philip Kotler is considered nothing less than the father of modern marketing. In this book, he and co-authors discuss the changes from traditional to digital marketing. In short, Kotler points out which strategies to adopt to survive in the digital age.

2- Content Marketing: The currency of the XNUMXst century. 

In this book, Rafael Rez talks about content marketing in all its forms. The author also shows forms of planning, traffic, generation of leads, sales, technology, tools, trends, practices, production, metrics. It also addresses other issues that are of interest to the marketer. 

3- Digital Marketing in Practice: How to create a digital marketing strategy from scratch to promote business or products

Fautino brings a practical look at the importance of digital marketing. Above all, the book tells how to develop and promote your brand. Demonstrates how to use the main platforms and tools that the digital age makes available. A difference is that its content covers several sectors .

4- Permission Marketing 

This book is an essential read for anyone who wants to understand the impact of the Internet on marketing. Godi formulates strategies that enable companies to respect the consumer space and, at the same time, make their marketing strategies more productive.

5- Marketing in the Digital Era

As women are influencers in digital marketing both as consumers and professionals. In this book Martha Gabriel exemplifies this by showing, in a direct and didactic way, basic concepts for those who want to go deeper into digital marketing.  

6- The Art of SEO 

Eric Enge and his co-authors give tips on how to create and put into practice a good SEO strategy. The book shows SEO tools, methods to optimize against search engines, among other elements that will leverage your brand's presence on social networks. 

7- Marketing and Communication in the Post-Digital Era

Walter Longo, in this book, discusses the impact of the internet on our lives, in addition to defining the changes that occurred in that moment that he defines as “The post-digital era”. Because, the book is a basic reading for those who work in marketing and want to stay connected and adapt to the new time we live in. 

 Finally, we always emphasize that in order not to lose space for the competition, it is necessary to study and renew its tactics of digital marketing industry . So, start your studies with these books and then open the fan to absorb more knowledge and strategies to achieve  maintaining competitiveness in the digital age

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