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Blog Digital Transformation in Engineering with Marcus Granadeiro

Digital Transformation in Engineering with Marcus Granadeiro

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In this new episode, we welcome our new guest. Marcus Granadeiro is CEO of Construtivo, a leader in engineering management solutions. And in our conversation we talked about the digital transformation in Engineering. In addition, he also talks about the strategic implementation of revolutionary technologies and how it is shaping the business landscape in Engineering.

The episode talks even more about the technologies that are shaping the engineering industry. From Project Management to Building Information Modeling (BIM), Marcus shares his experiences and views on continuous technological development. 

If you are an entrepreneur, team leader, or passionate about innovation and technology, you should definitely check out this episode!

Watch the podcast directly from Youtube:

Challenges and Opportunities 

Since his childhood, Marcus Granadeiro has gone through several difficulties. One of them was working in a sector that was not part of his purpose and what he wanted to live in for the rest of his life. However, that's where he started to learn and make his talent work more and more.

The business where he worked grew a lot, but even then nobody offered or gave him another opportunity.

In 1999, the dollar unfortunately rose sharply and his business stagnated. Thus, in the midst of difficulties, he decided to leave the home business and look for a job that could raise his expenses, as the business was not doing so well.

The business stopped for a while, but even so it unfolded and tried to handle both functions.

Faced with the difficulties in his history, we also see the opportunities he found. However, over the years he managed to get involved with successful people and they managed to show a new business focused on construction companies, Construtivo.

Entrepreneurship in the Engineering Segment

Within this new segment, the difficulties did not stop there. He discovered and learned a lot, even getting to know people and growing with them. So, with his father's advice, he decided to hire a person who had been unemployed for a long time and who is now his partner in the company.

Faced with his experiences, he learned the hard way to overcome each difficulty and even overcome the pandemic that was a milestone in the life of each company. In his case, the difficulty did not start there, but with the stoppage of Odebrecht contractors.

After this milestone, it also started to work with the energy sector, as there will always be energy on planet earth.

Business Segments and Technological Trends

The focus of Construtivo is to use a platform for digitalizing the project, reviewing and even supervising works. In addition, the entire platform is focused on using technology to improve performance. In this way, there is a digital transformation of engineering in the current molds.

BIM (Building Information Modeling) is a strategy capable of using Artificial Intelligence to achieve new, more relevant results to serve the public in this sector. In addition, Marcus emphasizes the need to be an efficient integrator, understanding the specific needs of each project and identifying the technologies and approaches that best suit.

Advice for Companies Seeking Digital Transformation

Marcus offers a wealth of advice for companies looking to embark on the journey of digital transformation in engineering, or any other sector. He suggests that companies understand what this transformation in engineering really means and choose reliable partners who can guide them through this process. Furthermore, he points out that digital transformation must be driven by passion and drive to create a positive impact.

Advice for Entrepreneurs

Drawing on his experience, Marcus talks about the importance of going into a business with passion and drive, rather than just focusing on money. He advises entrepreneurs to find an area that they really understand and feel passionate about.

Delve even deeper into this episode's content with our guest book nominations: Digital Transformation, by David Rogers.

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