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Blog Netizens and their digital influence

Netizens and their digital influence

With the democratization of internet access and the creation of new technological platforms, communities on the web have emerged that are examples of horizontality. 

In these communities, the generation of content is done in order to share information globally and without geographical barriers. 

The citizens of that great nation are called Netizens. THE term is a combination of the words "internet" and "citizen" and was created in 1990 by Michael Hauben.  

Netizens are contributors and content creators. Just like a good citizen contributes to their country, netizens contribute to the development and generation of material on the internet.

Along with the women  and os young, netizens are part of the three major influence groups in the digital age.

Therefore, it is essential that the digital marketing industry  create specific strategies for that audience.

How does the influence of Netizens on the internet work?

Social networks have broadened the voice of consumers, they have greater power to build value and a greater potential for spreading information. 

The individual does not depend only on you to finalize your purchase. There are also reference groups that influence the decision-making process.  

In an attempt to please and be part of a social environment, people reproduce behavioral strategies from other reference groups. Thus, the Netizens, because they have great visibility, have become strong influencers with regard to consumption. 

Internet users can be classified into: 

  • Inactive / Spectators: Read and watch content. 
  • Participants: Maintain and visit social media pages.
  • Collectors: Add tags to pages and use RSS feeds.
  • Critics: Post ratings and comments. 
  • Creators: Create and publish content, such as articles, videos, infographics.

Namely, the Netizens that bring the best results for companies are collectors, critics and creators. Because they contribute more actively, not just consuming. 

Important details about Netizens:

  • They are active consumers and producers.
  • They have many followers.
  • there is no demographic barrier to its performance.
  • They work as amplifiers when it comes to word of mouth.
  • They can become defenders  on the networks.

  However, care must be taken with the content that is produced and shared by your company. For if they are attacked or thwarted, Netizens can become cyberbullies, trolls or haters and make a totally negative advertisement for their brand.

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