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Blog AmplifyNews #24

AmplifyNews #24

Welcome to 24ª edition from the Newsletter da Amplifica Digital!  

#amplificanews has a new look! 

In this March edition, you will find market information, blogposts and tips that can make a difference in your digital strategy.

We hope you enjoy it! 👍

☕️ Quick Update:

Stay up-to-date with the latest news while having a cup of coffee:

6 direct influences of Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing 

A The rise of generative models is driving the growth of artificial intelligence and transforming the way brands and consumers interact. In this scenario, what are the main areas that marketing and consumption professionals should monitor?

  1. AI will continue to play an increasingly important role in marketing and customer service, with chatbots and virtual assistants becoming more commonplace.
  2. Brands will focus on personalizing the customer experience, using data and analytics to better understand consumer preferences and needs.
  3. Influencer marketing will continue to grow, with brands looking to partner with digital influencers to promote their products.
  4. Consumer privacy will be a growing concern, with companies being forced to be more transparent about how they use customer data.
  5. Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technology will continue to evolve, providing new forms of immersive shopping experiences.
  6. sustainability will be a top priority for brands, with consumers growing interest in products and services that are environmentally friendly and socially responsible.

I recently received an email that caught my attention due to its title

 “More leads = more sales”. But, is this true?

Dealing with capturing contacts, that is, leads, and nurturing your relationship with them is the basis of the digital strategy. 

But what's the point of communicating with someone who wouldn't need your product or service at any point, either now or in the future? 

“An ICP in hand is better than many disqualified leads”

The more niche our product or service, the longer the relationship journey can be until the moment of purchase. The fact is that this investment only pays off if done with the right contacts, the so-called ICPs (ideal customer profile).

  • What is an ICP
  • How to identify who your ICP is?
  • Differentiate your ICP, target audience and persona. 

This article is a must-read for all professionals who want to nurture their relationship with potential buyers. 

 Access full article

Did you know that your sales team and customer success are your secret weapons when it comes to creating effective content? 

They have the “inside hole” about why some people don't just pull the trigger and buy from you.

But there's a magic question you can ask them to get around these objections: 

“What are the top 3-5 reasons why people don't buy from us?” 

Based on their responses, you can create marketing content that responds to these objections in advance.

If you already know what potential customers will object to, you can create content that responds to these objections before they arise. 

This means your content will be more persuasive (and effective) and, as a result, you'll close more deals.

Six steps to get started:

1️⃣ Schedule a meeting with your sales and customer success teams.

2️⃣ Review your answers and rate the most common ones.

3 ️ ⃣ Go talk to customers and people who didn't become customers.

4 ️ ⃣ Create content that responds to objections.

5️⃣ Make sure this content is easily accessible on your website and other marketing channels.

6️⃣ Test and optimize your content based on its performance.

Addressing objections early with your content is like being the friend who always knows what the other person needs before they even ask for it! 

When you address objections early, you are building trust and credibility with your prospects. They will be more likely to choose your product or service because they feel confident that you are the right fit for them.

🚨 There is a way to automate demand generation by helping your future customers!

Assertive communication + digital prospecting. 

Access the article and see the complete methodology:

 Access digital sales methodology

What are the advantages of hiring a service that performs very well, but does not present strategies behind the contents?


Execution is part of a cycle within digital marketing, clearly essential, this step cannot be sustained without all the others

Observe ➡ ️ create hypotheses ➡ ️ execute ➡ ️ get data ➡ ️ analyze the data ➡ ️ create new hypotheses ➡ ️ execute…

Understand and be able to correctly apply your marketing strategy, just access the ebook: “Strategies beyond the list of prospects” 

 Access free ebook

ChatGPT APIs are now available for integration into apps. What does this mean?

It is now possible to add automated conversations in your apps or website chat to improve the user experience. 

Users can interact with ChatGPT to get quick answers to their questions, get personalized recommendations, and more.

It's easier to create personalized and scalable conversations that help your users get valuable information instantly. The API is flexible and can be customized in many languages.

There are already companies using the API

Early users of the ChatGPT API include Snapchat, with its bot” MyAI “; an educational platform called Quizlet that supposedly helps students study; It is Instacart,  an American retail company that operates a grocery delivery and collection service, plans to add “Ask Instacart” later this year to allow customers to ask about food.

ChatGPT was just the forerunner of the new digital age. With it, comes some doubts, such as: how positive can this change be?

O World Economic Forum  recently released the “5 ways digitalization can help build global resilience” 

  • Digitization can improve financial resilience, helping to anticipate risks and improve decision-making;
  • Technology can also assist in the monitoring and prevention of natural disasters, allowing for faster and more effective responses;
  • Digitization can increase transparency and accountability in areas such as natural resource management and corporate governance;
  • Technology can be used to improve financial inclusion and education, contributing to sustainable development;
  • Digitization can also help strengthen cybersecurity and protect users' personal information.

Since we are talking about connections and accessibility and digitization, it is worth remembering the B side of this revolution: 

An article recently published in The Conversation highlighted the concern for privacy in the age of artificial intelligence. 

It is observed as ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence tool developed by OpenAI that may be able to identify and reproduce personal information of online users.

As a company concerned about your cybersecurity, we want to make you aware of the importance of protecting your data online. 

A few simple steps can help keep your information private and secure:

  • Use strong and unique passwords for each online account;
  • Regularly update the security software on your devices;
  • Be careful when sharing personal information online;
  • Make sure the companies you use have clear privacy and security policies.

Don't ignore the importance of digital security. Protecting your data and your business online is essential to maintaining privacy and avoiding risks to your identity and everyone's safety.


Have you heard of “digital love language” applied to business? According to a recent Forbes article, this is the key to innovate in the customer experience (CX). 

How and why, you can check in the points below:

  • According to PwC research, 73% of consumers believe that a positive experience is crucial in their purchasing decisions;
  • Another survey, this time by Accenture, showed that 83% of consumers prefer to interact with humans over chatbots or other types of artificial intelligence;
  • However, the same survey found that 87% of consumers believe companies need to provide a more human experience;

This is where the “digital love language” comes in, which is based on empathy, connection and understanding of the customer;

This approach can be applied in many areas such as customer service, marketing and product development;

  • To implement the “digital love language”, it is important to listen to the customer, understand their needs and concerns, personalize communication and create memorable experiences.

The increasingly fierce competition makes the customer experience an increasingly important differentiator.

On the subject, Seth Godin, world-renowned marketing guru, entrepreneur and bestselling author, shared in a recent Forbes interview an eloquent observation that magnifies the contrast between how companies and customers perceive “personalization”.

According to Godin, “nobody wants anything to be personalized, they want it to be personal, and those are two totally different things.”

