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Blog Facebook's 20th anniversary: ​​3 billion people connected around the world

Facebook's 20th anniversary: ​​3 billion people connected around the world

Origins of Facebook

A lot has changed since Facebook emerged 20 years ago, in 2004. From a modest social network created by students in a Harvard dorm, it has transformed into a gigantic platform for global connection between billions of people.

The initial idea came from Mark Zuckerberg, then 19 years old, along with university colleagues (Andrew McCollum, Chris Hughes, Dustin Moskovitz and Brazilian Eduardo Saverin). Together, they created the website “The Facebook” as a way for Harvard students to share profiles, photos and interact virtually. Access later expanded to other colleges in the US.

“In addition to financial support from Saverin of US$15, in 2005 the students received investment and guidance from Sean Parker, co-founder of Napster, a pioneer in online music sharing, who was the first president of the social network and responsible for the name Facebook”. — FORBESTech

Rapid growth led to Facebook becoming a company and raising investment. In 2006, a version was opened for the general public over 13 years old. From then on, the number of users took off. In 2008, there were already 100 million members around the world.

Many features such as news feed, chat, marketplace and live streaming have emerged over time, shaping the experience that billions have on Facebook today. In 2012, the company went public and is now valued at more than US$500 billion.

From a university game to a definitive online platform in just two decades. This is the remarkable trajectory of the largest social network ever created in the history of the internet so far.

Changes to the interface and functionalities:

Facebook's design and features have changed a lot over the years, reflecting the evolution of the user experience.

Today's Facebook bears little resemblance to that clean and simple version from its first year of life. To keep up with its enormous expansion, the most used social network in the world has undergone constant visual and functional transformations.

In the beginning, the personalized timeline didn't exist yet. It was all based on your profile and you scrolled through your update feed. In 2006, the News Feed was incorporated, bringing a more dynamic and instantaneous experience.

“Gradually, with the addition of innovative tools, such as walls where users could post messages and photos on their own profiles, in addition to visiting and interacting with people they know, Facebook conquered the world.” — FORBESTech

The photo feature appeared in 2007, while the like buttons only appeared in 2009, creating the concept of engagement that is still strong to this day. Another important milestone was the launch of the groups in 2010, allowing discussions around shared interests.

More recently, we've seen new features like Facebook Stories, Watch for videos, real-time Chat Rooms and more. In addition to the arrival of dark mode, there are rumors of a completely new interface for the next few years.

Therefore, the constant evolution of Facebook is also an evolution in the way we connect virtually. And if it depends on its creator Mark Zuckerberg, there is still a lot of story to tell from now on.

Social and cultural impact:

We look at Facebook's role in connecting people around the world, as well as its impact on social, political and cultural events.

Few companies have managed to influence and impact global society as profoundly as Facebook. The largest digital social network unites people, communities and entire nations, shaping interactions between billions of citizens around the world over the last 20 years.

By giving people a free and easy platform for mass communication and collaboration, Facebook affects everything from the way we connect daily with friends and family to macro-social phenomena like waves of protests and popular revolutions.

The gigantic reach also made it a central stage for political debates. So much so that accusations of news manipulation in the American elections led the US Congress to pressure Facebook for more transparency and control.

Another important reflection of Facebook's social influence is that it forced authoritarian governments around the world to try (unsuccessfully) to block citizens' access to the network when it is used to spread messages against the oppressive regime.

Therefore, over 20 years Facebook has shaped digital human interactions in all spheres. Few innovations have managed to generate such significant behavioral and cultural changes among the planet's users.

“In April 2012, Facebook surprised the world by acquiring Instagram, a popular photo-sharing platform. The transaction was valued at approximately US$1 billion.” — FORBES Tech

Controversies and challenges:

Here we discuss a little about the main controversies faced by Facebook, including privacy issues, user data, fake news and its impact on elections.

Facebook's trajectory was also marked by several controversies and criticisms, especially regarding the use of personal data and the dissemination of fake news. The social network constantly deals with the challenges of modulating content generated by billions of people.

One of the main scandals broke out in 2018, when a third-party consultancy, Cambridge Analytica, gained improper access to data from 87 million users. The case provoked strong pressure from the press and governments for answers.

Another iconic episode was the alleged manipulation of political news that influenced the 2016 US presidential election. There were accusations that Facebook did not adequately monitor targeted hate messages and propaganda during the campaign.

Mark Zuckerberg's management has reacted to each new turbulence with measures such as enhanced fact-checking, reducing exposure to dubious news and checking political advertising spending. However, the challenges of balancing freedom with responsibility remain enormous.

After 20 years, Facebook deals daily with ethical dilemmas and unforeseen consequences behind connecting HALF of the world's population online. Finding solutions to preserve the benefits of your mission without eroding it will be critical.

The Facebook Economy:

Facebook's contribution to the digital economy, including advertising, business and the startup ecosystem, is significant and notable.

“In 2014, Facebook incorporated WhatsApp for an extraordinary sum of US$22 billion, one of the largest transactions in technology history.” — FORBES Tech

In addition to connecting the world, Facebook has also driven the emergence of a thriving economic ecosystem based on advertising, digital business and entrepreneurial innovation over the past decade.

In the last quarter of 2021 alone, the social network earned US$33 billion, the vast majority of which came from targeted advertising. Millions of businesses find Facebook an accessible and powerful channel to drive sales.

The platform also allowed the proliferation of digital entrepreneurs and individuals generating income through content creation or sales on marketplaces integrated with Facebook. According to the company, in the US alone, more than 11 million companies use its services today.

Finally, the group led by Mark Zuckerberg acquired dozens of startups specializing in virtual reality, artificial intelligence and other segments. These companies received financial contributions and unique opportunities to scale with the largest digital audience on the planet.

Therefore, the impact on business and the creative vigor of entrepreneurs is another crucial facet in the 20-year history of this company that reinvented computer-mediated social collaboration.

“On the morning of October 28, 2021, Mark Zuckerberg began a new chapter in the history of Facebook. The billionaire announced the name change to 'Meta', the company's new institutional brand.” — FORBES Tech

The transition to the name Meta: We explore Facebook's rebranding to Meta and what it meant for the company's future, focusing on building the metaverse.

In October 2021, Mark Zuckerberg announced a symbolic milestone in the 20-year history of the company he founded: the reformulation of Facebook's corporate identity to Meta. The change reflects the vision of a dystopian future that drives big tech's investments today.

The term “metaverse” designates Zuckerberg's vision of a deep convergence between the physical and digital worlds mediated by cutting-edge technologies such as virtual and augmented reality. According to him, Meta will be the company that will fully develop the potential of these immersive and interconnected experiences.

Meta has already poured billions into divisions like Reality Labs to power hardware and software that will bring to life these virtual environments that merge 3D digital elements with real people, places and objects. The launch of devices like Meta Quest smart glasses demonstrate this purpose.

Therefore, by migrating from “Facebook” to “Meta”, big tech signals that it does not intend to be just another social network (although it will still dominate this segment for years). Now, they want to definitively integrate the digital and the physical into a grand hybrid computing experience that redesigns social interactions. It remains to be seen whether this future will actually arrive.

Facebook and the future of technology:

Facebook is investing heavily in new technologies, such as augmented and virtual reality and artificial intelligence. Find out how these areas can define the future of the platform.

After 20 years of success and undisputed dominance among social networks, what will be Facebook's next front of innovation and growth? For Mark Zuckerberg, the future is using cutting-edge technologies to create immersive experiences that bring people even closer together.

In recent years, Facebook has invested billions in initiatives like virtual and augmented reality to bring new layers of digital social interaction. In 2014, the company acquired Oculus VR, a work dedicated to popularizing virtual reality headsets for entertainment and gaming.

Additionally, the internal Reality Labs team works on bold projects such as mixed reality glasses capable of superimposing 3D elements on the real world. The idea is to make social networks even more present in our daily lives.

And to power these immersive experiences, another big focus is artificial intelligence technologies. The company has been creating virtual assistants smarter (more intelligent), as well as algorithms to detect and process everything that happens among billions of users faster.

Therefore, everything indicates that “the metaverse” — the convergence of the virtual-digital world with the physical — will be central in the next phase of evolution of this social media giant. And we will certainly hear a lot about Facebook in the years to come.

Facebook's role in changing communication:

Facebook has changed the way we communicate, from personal messaging to creating online communities.

There is no doubt that Facebook has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact socially in the digital age. Starting with personal conversations, which gained new possibilities through Messenger, WhatsApp and online chat.

Furthermore, Facebook itself enabled new forms of communication in public, in groups or even en masse through personal and collective timelines. It combines various expression formats such as text, image, video or live broadcast on a single platform.

Another impact was on communication between celebrities, politicians, media outlets and the audiences they want to reach. Facebook provides direct paths of interaction and engagement that previously required intermediaries or high financial investment.

Finally, it boosted the creation of forums and entire communities around shared causes, ideas or interests. People achieved connections, debates and mobilizations unimaginable in another historical period in terms of reach and speed.

Therefore, over these two decades, the sociotechnical effects of Facebook have profoundly shaped and rewrote contemporary communicative dynamics between citizens in the online world.

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Facebook and the job market:

Facebook has greatly impacted the creation of new professions, digital marketing and the way companies search for talent and promote themselves online.

Since its launch in 2004, Facebook has not only transformed the way we interact socially, but also revolutionized the job market. This platform has become a crucial vector in the creation of new professions, in boosting digital marketing and in companies' strategies to seek talent and promote their brands online.

Creation of new professions

Initially, Facebook was mainly for connecting friends and family. Over the years, however, the platform has evolved, becoming a rich ecosystem for digital marketing. In this context, new professions have emerged, such as social media managers, Facebook Ads specialists, digital content creators and engagement analysts. These professionals use Facebook to build and maintain brands' online presence, driving engagement and converting followers into customers.

Boost to digital marketing

Facebook revolutionized digital marketing by offering advanced tools for targeted advertising. Through the use of demographic data, interests and user behavior, companies are able to target their campaigns effectively, reaching their target audience with precision. Additionally, the platform provides valuable insights into campaign performance, enabling real-time adjustments to maximize return on investment.

Strategies for finding talent

The job market was also impacted by Facebook in the recruitment sphere. The platform allows companies to post vacancies, search for candidates and even create career pages, where they can highlight the company culture, benefits and available opportunities. This not only broadens the scope of job opportunities, but also helps companies attract candidates who identify with their values ​​and goals.

Online business promotion

An online presence has become indispensable for companies, and Facebook plays a crucial role in this aspect. In addition to serving as a marketing channel, the platform allows the creation of communities, where companies can interact directly with their customers, receive feedback and build lasting relationships. Through relevant content and active engagement, companies strengthen their brand and build customer loyalty.

Challenges and opportunities

Despite the countless opportunities, using Facebook in the job market also presents challenges. The constant evolution of the platform's privacy policies and algorithms requires digital marketers to always be up to date to maintain the effectiveness of their strategies. Furthermore, growing concerns about data privacy require companies to be transparent in their information collection and use practices.

The impact of Facebook on the job market is indisputable!

The platform has not only created new professions and transformed digital marketing, but it has also changed the way companies source talent and promote themselves online. As Facebook continues to evolve, so will the opportunities and challenges for professionals and businesses. Staying informed and adaptable is key to making the most of the potential that Facebook offers in the world of work.

Reviews and responses:

Facebook has responded sharply to criticism of its role in spreading misinformation and manipulating elections, and the measures it has taken to combat these problems.

“Data privacy on the social network has already been the subject of a movie and even a court hearing. After a data leak lawsuit in 2018, Big Tech agreed to pay a historic $5 billion in a settlement with the United States Federal Trade Commission.” — FORBES Tech

In recent years, Facebook has been the target of scathing criticism regarding its role in spreading misinformation and potential manipulation of elections. In response to these concerns, the company has taken significant steps to combat these issues and restore public trust in its platform.

In the face of widespread criticism, Facebook acknowledged the seriousness of concerns raised regarding the spread of misinformation and possible manipulation of elections through its platform. The company has taken responsibility for addressing these issues proactively and effectively.

Comprehensive measures: fake content detection algorithms

To combat the spread of misinformation and election manipulation, Facebook has implemented a series of sweeping measures. This included significant improvements to false content detection algorithms, partnerships with independent fact-checkers, and the removal of accounts and pages that violate their policies.

In addition to policy changes, Facebook has invested considerably in technology and personnel dedicated to identifying and mitigating the spread of misinformation and election interference. The company has expanded its cybersecurity teams and implemented advanced data analysis technologies to identify patterns of suspicious behavior.

Facebook also committed to promoting transparency and collaboration in combating misinformation and electoral manipulation. The company regularly shares reports on its actions to address these issues and collaborates with regulators, researchers and other social media platforms to strengthen cybersecurity and election integrity.

In response to criticism about its role in spreading misinformation and rigging elections, Facebook has taken a proactive stance and is committed to comprehensively addressing these issues. The company continues to invest in technology, people and partnerships to ensure the security and authenticity of its platform, demonstrating an ongoing commitment to protecting the integrity of information and the democratic process.

The impact of using Facebook on users' mental health:

In this chapter, we explore research and debates about the impact of using Facebook on users' mental health.

The extensive use of Facebook has raised concerns about its impact on mental health, especially given the observed increase in depression rates in society. Studies differ on the relationship between the intensity of Facebook use and depressive symptoms, revealing a positive, albeit small, association. Furthermore, the decomposition of Facebook use into active and passive activities has shown mixed results, indicating the need to expand this model.

On the other hand, psychological mechanisms, such as problematic Facebook use, have been proposed as an explanation for the negative impact on users' mental health.

Implications and limitations

The results of these studies are valuable to counselors, public health policymakers, and researchers. Identifying patterns of problematic Facebook use can help identify and support more vulnerable user populations, as well as guide the development of interventions to mitigate the negative effects of heavy Facebook use.

However, it is important to highlight that mental health status transitions can be cyclical or non-linear, which suggests the need for additional studies to better understand patterns of problematic Facebook use and their impact on mental health.

Furthermore, current limitations, such as convenience sampling and modest sample sizes, highlight the need for future studies with larger, more diverse samples to replicate current findings.

Impact of intensive use of Facebook

Heavy Facebook use can result in problematic usage patterns, which in turn undermine users' mental health, especially among young people and those with high levels of neuroticism. Heavy use, when it results in addictive patterns, can be especially harmful to mental health.

Furthermore, heavy Facebook use can negatively impact mental health when it results in problematic use patterns, especially among young people and those with high levels of neuroticism.

The role of social media in Gen Z’s mental health

The impact of heavy Facebook use may be even more pronounced among young Gen Z users, increasing the importance of prevention campaigns and intervention strategies targeted at this group. Furthermore, individual differences that protect or make users more vulnerable to the negative effects of heavy Facebook use should be considered in future studies.

The relationship between social media use and mental health deserves broader attention and should include a variety of social media platforms and their unique characteristics when examining the relationship between social media use and patterns of problematic use.

In short, heavy Facebook use can have negative effects on mental health, especially when it results in problematic use patterns. Considering the importance of the topic, future studies should deepen the understanding of these patterns and their impact on mental health, as well as explore the individual differences that influence users' vulnerability to these negative effects.

Success stories through Facebook:

We highlight inspiring stories of how Facebook has helped connect lost people, support social causes, and boost business.

Facebook, with more than 2,9 billion monthly active users, transcends its original function of connecting friends and family. The platform has become a vibrant stage for inspiring stories that demonstrate the power of human connection. In this chapter, we'll explore three areas where Facebook positively impacts people's lives:

1. Connecting Lost People:

  • Exciting reunions: Facebook makes it easy to search for childhood friends, distant family members and even lost loves. The platform brings together tools such as search by name, location filters and specific groups to help with reconnection.

    Inspiring examples:

  • Ana, after 50 years, met her twin sister Maria through a Facebook group dedicated to adopted people. Their story moved the online community and highlighted the transformative potential of the platform.

  • In 2022, Facebook helped locate a boy who had been missing for 10 years. The family, after years of fruitless searches, used the platform to share photos and information, mobilizing the community and culminating in the happy reunion.

2. Supporting social causes:

  • Mobilization for good: Facebook makes it easy to organize donation drives, petitions, and events to promote social causes. By creating groups and pages, individuals and organizations amplify their voices and mobilize the community towards a common goal.

    Examples of impact:

  • In 2023, a Facebook campaign raised R$1 million to help victims of a natural disaster. The rapid online mobilization made it possible to deliver food, water and shelter to those affected.

  • A Facebook group dedicated to the preservation of an endangered animal species managed to mobilize thousands of people and raise awareness about the cause. The group's actions resulted in donations to NGOs and the implementation of protection measures for the species.

3. Boosting Business:

  • Publicity and marketing: Facebook offers effective tools for businesses of all sizes to reach new customers, expand their follower base, and build a strong brand. Through targeted ads, business pages and specific groups, businesses can reach a targeted audience and increase their sales.

    Sucess histories:

  • A small local bakery, using Facebook to promote its products and promotions, managed to increase its sales by 30% in just six months. The platform provided the company with an accessible and effective way to reach new customers and retain existing ones.

  • A craftsman who sold his products online saw his sales triple after creating a Facebook page and boosting targeted ads. The platform allowed him to reach a larger audience and expand his business.


Facebook has established itself as a platform with a significant social impact. The success stories described here demonstrate the power of the platform to connect people, support social causes and boost business. Through human connection and the amplification of voices, Facebook contributes to building a more connected, engaged and prosperous world.

Facebook's legacy and the future of social networks:

“Although the use of Facebook has declined with the advancement of competition, the social network broke an all-time record of 3 billion monthly users in 2023.” — FORBESTech

We reflect on Facebook's enduring legacy and how it has shaped the future of online social interactions.

Facebook, since 2004, has been a driving force in the world of social media. Its impact is undeniable, shaping not only the way we connect and interact online, but also profoundly influencing culture and society. As we move into the future of social media, it's crucial to reflect on Facebook's enduring legacy and consider how it will continue to influence and shape our social interactions online.

While the use of Facebook has faced challenges with the emergence of competitors and growing concerns about privacy and data security, the social network still maintains a prominent position. In 2023, Facebook achieved a historic milestone by reaching an impressive 3 billion monthly users, a testament to its global impact and massive reach.


Facebook's continued success can be attributed to a number of factors. Its ability to adapt and evolve over time, introducing new features and functionality to keep users engaged, is a significant part of its resilience. Furthermore, the social network has established itself as a versatile platform, offering everything from instant communication to media sharing and professional networking.

However, Facebook's legacy goes beyond impressive user numbers and innovative features. The social network has played a fundamental role in transforming the way we connect and share information, catalyzing changes in communication and digital culture. From popularizing the term “friends” to describe online connections to influencing elections and social movements, Facebook has left an indelible mark on the history of the internet.

As we look to the future of social media, it's inevitable that Facebook will continue to play a central role. However, the social media landscape is constantly evolving, with new platforms emerging and user preferences changing. As we move forward, it's crucial that we consider not only Facebook's legacy, but also how we can shape the future of online social interactions in a way that promotes inclusivity, safety, and authenticity.

Ultimately, Facebook's legacy is a powerful reminder of the lasting impact a social media platform can have. As we navigate the uncharted waters of the digital future, we must learn from the successes and failures of the past while keeping a close eye on the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Strengthen your presence on social media with Amplifica Digital

As we explore Facebook's lasting impact and the future of social media, it's clear that an online presence is essential to business success in the digital age. It's not just about being present on a single platform, but rather extending this presence to all major social networks, making the most of the engagement and reach opportunities offered by each one.

In this context, it is crucial that companies recognize the importance of a significant and strategic presence on social media. However, effectively managing multiple social media platforms can be a challenging and time-consuming task. This is where the Amplifica Digital, a digital marketing solutions agency specializing in helping businesses maximize their online presence and achieve tangible results.

By delegating the administration of your social networks to Amplifica Digital, companies can benefit from a wide range of specialized services. That includes:

  1. Content management: We create relevant, engaging and personalized content for each social media platform, maintaining a consistent and compelling voice that resonates with the target audience.
  2. Analysis and monitoring: We perform in-depth analyzes of social media performance, monitoring key metrics and adjusting strategies as needed to maximize impact.
  3. Community engagement: We proactively interact with followers, responding to comments, messages and feedback to cultivate meaningful relationships and foster an engaged community around the brand.
  4. Social advertising: We develop and implement effective social media advertising campaigns, leveraging advanced targeting and optimization techniques to achieve specific business objectives.
  5. Crisis Management: We are prepared to deal with crisis situations on social media quickly and effectively, protecting the brand's reputation and minimizing potential damage.

By choosing to partner with Amplifica Digital, businesses can have peace of mind knowing that their online presence is being carefully managed by dedicated experts. With our experience and comprehensive knowledge of best practices in digital marketing, we can help companies achieve their business objectives and stand out in an increasingly competitive landscape.

Ultimately, success on social media isn't just about being present, it's about standing out and creating meaningful connections with your target audience. With the Amplifica Digital by your side, companies can transform their online presence into a powerful tool for business growth and success.

join the Amplifica Digital today and take the next step toward social media success.

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