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Blog Apple and Google unite and intend to warn about the contagion of the new coronavirus

Apple and Google unite and intend to warn about the contagion of the new coronavirus

Technology from Apple and Google intends to warn about the contagion of the new coronavirus, which is known so far:

Rivals join forces to create a system that allows Android and iOS phones to "talk" to notify anyone who has had contact with someone who has become infected.

Apple and Google announced the joint creation of a technology to alert contacts of people infected with coronavirus.

The system should allow smartphones with Google's Android and iOS systems, used on iPhones, to be able to exchange information via Bluetooth and alert about the risk of contagion, anonymously.

Google provided G1 with extra information about the system and said the technology would only be used during the coronavirus pandemic. Apple has yet to comment on the questions.

Here are some answers shared by G1:

When does it start and where?

Google and Apple announced that the system will be available from May.

In this first phase, it should be used within applications that can be created by government authorities as a tool to combat the pandemic.

The idea is that the feature works worldwide, both on smartphones with Android (from Google) and iOS (from Apple).

In the coming months, the idea of ​​the companies is to expand the platform. So it will integrate directly with the operating systems, eliminating the need for an application. Thus, they could reach a larger number of users. Even so, according to them, the person will only be connected to the device if he wants to.

How will the system know who tested positive for coronavirus?

What is known so far is that the alerts will be sent only with authorization from the infected user. He himself will have to notify the system that he has contracted the coronavirus.

Apple and Google did not say whether there would be criteria for the user to confirm the veracity of the information. This will probably be left to the policies of the countries that want to develop the applications where the system will run.

What to do with the alert?

Google and Apple did not say how the person should proceed if they receive the alert.

It is likely that it will be up to each government or entity that employs this technology to create structured response and guidance policies so that people can take the appropriate action.

In addition, it would be difficult for everyone to adopt the same protocol, since different locations experience problems that are not the same as others.

How will the codes exchanged by cell phones be kept? How is privacy?

When the user downloads an application that has this alert system from Apple and Google, his smartphone will generate a security key that will serve as a basis for communication with other devices.

These codes will be received by other cell phones that his device comes close to. The other devices must have an app with the same alert system. And vice versa.

The keys received will be kept in the devices for 14 days, which is the quarantine period for asymptomatic patients or those with mild coronavirus symptoms.

The use of temporary keys prevents access to the location and identity of smartphone owners, say Google and Apple. Each cell phone with the application will download the generated keys; they will not be stored on an external server, for example.

“Throughout the day, the daily key will be used to generate other temporary keys - up to 144 in a single day (one key for each 10-minute interval). These temporary keys will be transmitted via Bluetooth, while the daily key remains secret ”, explains Rohr.

If a user knows they have the coronavirus, they can authorize the system to download their database (keys) on cell phones that have this type of application.

“” If the application finds one of these keys among those that were received, an alert will be displayed indicating that you have been exposed to the virus ”, adds Rohr.

Users who have had contact with the infected person in the last 14 days, and without revealing their identity, will be alerted.

Will every cell phone with Android or iOS have the system mandatorily? Can the user choose not to use it?

Companies say that in order for the technology to work on devices, user consensus is needed.

At first, he will have to download an application that has the feature to be able to activate it.

Will the system work on all Android phones and iPhones? Even the older ones?

According to the technology giants, the system should work on both Android (Google) and iOS (Apple) phones.

Source: G1

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