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Blog DON Talks, the newest podcast about digitization and technology

DON Talks, the newest podcast about digitization and technology

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In this family edition the guest is Rodrigo Klein (brother of Eric Klein), CEO of T2 Software and creator of DON Talks, the newest podcast about digitization and technology in various segments.


What subjects did the Klein brothers talk about?

Throughout this short but full of curiosities, the brothers talk about technology events, content creation and entrepreneurship. 

Within the Amplify Studio, they test cameras, adjust equipment and adapt to the recording style while Rodrigo tells about the DON Talks project, which is already on the main streaming platforms and on Youtube.

The 'D', initially in reference to “discovery” aimed at the pharmaceutical sector, an area in which Rodrigo works, is the acronym for Digitization. In practice, the project comes with the proposal to address topics from the digital world of different segments.

Its launch was on the same day as this conversation, but the podcast already has a queue of guests waiting to participate in the next episodes.

Recordings take place weekly, you can follow everything through the Rodrigo Klein.

How was the public reception of the new content produced?

Involved in several projects, Rodrigo also launches a weekly newsletter on the same topic Digitalization or Nothing, on linkedin. That with less than a week of existence has already reached 1000+ subscribers. 

Arriving to demystify the myths of engagement in the corporate social network known for engaging only on weekdays, the first version was launched on a holiday, and in the first few hours it had more than 500 subscribers. 

What are the conclusions drawn from this conversation?

Just arrived from Germany, where he spent a week participating in the fair Chema, the subject of his first article in the newsletter, Rodrigo talks about the fruitful impact of participating in face-to-face events, after all “we know a fraction of the things we think we work with”. 

At the end of this conversation, reflecting on these new projects, the brothers conclude that an entrepreneur cannot stand still, after all “if standing water gives you dengue, a stopped entrepreneur does not give you an idea and a new project”. 

Did you like it? So listen to the full chat to follow the details that only the #AmplificaCast reveals!


