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Instagram hides likes - What does that change in your daily life?


 The essence intended for social networks was different than seen today. Initially, andthey were created for ordinary people to share moments of their lives in a healthy way. But, unexpectedly, with the user boom, everything changed!

Currently, contrary to what was expected, Facebook and Instagram have become social business networks, where the mannequins are digital influencers that illustrate, through posts, unreal and unreachable lives by many. Although, this illusion spread and everything became a world of vanity, where the number of followers and likes, became more important than the content.

 In addition, all of Zuckenberg's greed has affected the psychological health of many people. With this, the power that social networks and their users have to interfere in the lives and decisions of individuals has come to light.

The Instagram update

In view of this, Mark, seeing that the essence of his magnificent creation had already been affected and that he was taking uncontrollable directions, decided to make a small but important decision, to hide the likes.

But was this decision really for people to stop comparing themselves or is there something more behind it?

Of course there is! Let's understand ...

Primarily, hide likes reduced Instagram's reach. With that, advertisers resorted to new strategies, so they funneled the sponsored ads made available by the tool itself, thus ending the reputation of the likes and followers buying platforms.

Anyway, Instagram wants to encourage sponsorship! 

But, after all, what changes for users, companies and influencers? 

Let's go in stages ...

Ordinary user: Nothing changes!

Now, if you use your Instagram in order to share moments of your life with your friends, everything will remain normal. After all, you will still be able to see who liked your post. Only your friends who, when they enter your profile, will not be able to see it.

Business: Hide like came to save you!

 Many brands were duped by “influencers” who had good numbers of likes and followers, however, they were all ghosts or bought. As a result, they were unable to bring results to the brand that sponsored them. Now, when choosing an influencer, ask for your media kit and analyze the metrics such as number of comments and shared posts.

influencers: Definitely, stop showing illusory numbers!

Relevant content will help you attract brands and sponsorships.

Look 6 itens that really matter for your digital strategy on the social channel Instagram:

1- Relevant content to hold the user’s attention. A good type of post for this, are the carousels, arouse the curiosity of the user in the first image for him to scroll to the others.

2- The more time in the post, the better the Instagram algorithm will rank you. For that to happen, how about investing in quality videos and text?

3- IGTV: Interesting video in the feed to make the user go to his IGTV and stay longer on his profile.

4- Encourage people to “save” and / or share your publication. Instagram understands that whether she saved and / or shared her content is relevant.

5- Comments, relevant content brings relevant comments. This will be a great metric for Instagram. Cause in the comments, offer something in return to attract good comments, example: The best comment wins a makeup kit! (Alert: please don't buy or join engagement networks to get fakes comments)

6-  Finally, make a post that catches the eye and takes your user to your sales funnel through a call to action, engagement zone. A place where you can talk to him more directly. Example: whatsapp

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