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Blog Mass personalization through digital marketing: achieving goals at scale

Mass personalization through digital marketing: achieving goals at scale

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Digital marketing is undergoing a transformation driven by the enormous volume of data available about customers and the use of innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning. These changes allow brands to deliver highly personalized experiences even while operating at scale — a concept known as mass customization.

What is mass customization?

Mass customization involves the intensive use of information about individuals and groups to deliver personalized messages and experiences for each person, even if the company serves a large number of consumers, that is, it is about achieving one-to-one marketing. one within massive operations.

With sufficient data, brands can map the different profiles of their audience, understanding their motivations and needs. They then use this broad view of customers to create personalized experiences, from website content to emails, ads and product recommendations.

Importance for success in digital marketing: This personalization is crucial for companies to compete in the current scenario: consumers expect recognition and relevant experiences from brands.

When done well, personalization increases conversion rates, brand loyalty and lifetime value of customers, that is, something like eternal devotion to some product or brand.

Therefore, mastering mass customization techniques will be increasingly decisive to successfully operate in digital marketing. Companies must invest not only in technology, but also in a strategy to collect and use data ethically and responsibly.

Delivering personalized customer experiences

Brands are in an intense race to deliver truly personalized experiences. More than simple demographic segmentation, customers expect individual recognition with interactions and content relevant to their unique needs.

How to offer this personalization? First, it is necessary to collect and process massive volumes of data, as well as define creative ways to combine these insights to customize experiences as much as possible. Here are some valuable tips to start implementing the concept of mass customization into your digital strategy.

Profile and behavior analytics

A broad base of data about your customers will allow you to create different profiles and personas with different behaviors. In addition to demographic variables, use browsing, purchasing, support, and marketing contact data to discover unique interests.

Big data and machine learning tools connect thousands of insights about each person. For example, a customer who visited content about car trips, downloaded an ebook about insurance and has three young children has a very specific profile and needs.

Dynamic targeting

This in-depth analysis results in high-granularity segments for focused campaigns. Furthermore, it is possible to create dynamic rules so that marketing can monitor each consumer's changes in real time. When a customer starts researching family cars, it should trigger a customized experience.

1-to-1 Marketing at Scale

This makes it possible to offer an extreme level of individualization at scale — the massive one-to-one marketing you dream of. Every type of interaction can be personalized, from the website to email marketing, apps, ads and content. Deep personalization increases conversions and brand loyalty.

Therefore, the future of digital marketing is moving beyond broad personas and fixed segments. The goal now is to use data and technology to recognize and impact consumers in a unique and individual way. Shall we go on this journey?

Understanding your audience in depth

Efficient personalization in digital marketing starts with a deep understanding of your target audience. More than demographics, you need to map the different psychographic and behavioral profiles that exist among your customers. These “personas” will serve as the basis for personalizing communications and experiences.

How to define customer personas?

Personas are semi-fictional representations built based on real customer data. They define characteristics such as demographic, psychographic data, pain, needs and consumption journey. Once mapped, they guide the creation of personalized experiences.

Building personas requires a 360° view of the customer obtained through interviews, analytics and research. It is necessary to identify the main profiles, with their distinct motivations, objectives and behaviors.

In addition to the personas, we must also map the journeys that each of these profiles takes when interacting with us. These journeys reveal the ideal touchpoints to impact each group with the messages and experiences best suited to their needs.

When done in a solid way, this work of in-depth understanding of the public is what makes assertive personalization viable, even for companies with millions of consumers. It reveals where and how to customize to generate identification and expressive results.

Therefore, one cannot think about personalization without this prior analytical dive into the audience. Want to learn other ways to extract insights about your customers? Count on our help on this journey.

Collecting and analyzing data about consumers

Deeply understanding different customer groups is the starting point for any marketing personalization initiative. To achieve this, companies need to be voracious in collecting and analyzing data from consumers who already interact with their brand.

What data to collect?

Demographic data such as age, gender, location, lifestyle and purchasing behavior already reveal important differences between consumer groups. But to truly personalize experiences, you need to go further.

Tracking customers’ digital behavior in detail is essential. Data from website navigation, purchase funnel, downloads, searches, and past brand interactions helps you understand each person's unique interests.

Data analysis and application

Analytical tools then organize this data, creating segments with similar characteristics and behaviors. Machine learning techniques find patterns in data that humans not would understand.

With these extra insights, companies can build hyper-personalized personas and journeys. Furthermore, they can activate customized experiences and messages for each segment at the right time in their journeys.

Therefore, personalization needs to start with an obsession with collecting and processing qualified customer data. Want to learn more about this? Talk to our team of experts and maximize your use of data.

Personalized email marketing in practice

One of the main channels for the practical application of personalization in marketing is email. Through powerful automation and mass shooting platforms, it is possible to customize segmented communications for groups of customers with unique characteristics.

Targeting by demographic and behavioral data

A solid database of user data allows you to separate them into buckets with common attributes for hyper-relevant communication. Variables such as age, location, purchasing power, interests and browsing behaviors should guide the creation of dynamic lists.

Custom shots by persona and journey

In addition to demographics, we can define segments based on previously mapped personas, with their distinct needs and purchasing objectives. It is also possible to identify customers at different stages of the journey, activating specific emails to advance each group towards conversion.

Customized messages and content

Once the target audiences for each email are defined, we can customize not only the timing of the shot, but also the subject, copy, creative materials, landing page and calls-to-action to maximize the relevance of each email. A/B tests can indicate even more assertive variations.

Thus, personalization in email marketing is a powerful lever for engagement and conversion rates. Want to know more about the journey to mastering this practice? Speak to our team of experts right now.

Individualized marketing with machine learning

The most advanced level of personalization applies machine learning techniques to understand each customer individually and make highly personalized recommendations for products and content.

Understanding individual interests:

The analysis of large volumes of data on consumer behaviors and preferences feeds machine learning algorithms. With their massively superior analytical capabilities, machines identify correlations and patterns that escape the human eye.

Thus, even with millions of customers, it is possible to detect each person's unique tastes, needs and goals. This information builds the individual profile that supports hyper-segmented recommendations.

Personalized recommendations:

Based on these individual insights, brands can suggest products, services and even content tailored to each consumer. Tools such as personalized filters in e-commerce or emails with suggestions based on the person's history create truly unique experiences, increasing engagement.

Therefore, machine learning takes the ambition of mass personalization a step further: one-to-one marketing, with brands speaking to millions of people as if it were one at a time. Want to explore these possibilities? Our team can help.

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Personalized ads and searches

A powerful way to apply personalization at scale is through ads and searches tailored to each user based on insights into their profile and behavior.

Understanding user intent

Platforms like Google and Facebook collect and analyze a massive amount of data about each user. With this 360° view, they are able to understand not only the history, but also interpret the user's intention when searching or using the app.

Google knows whether a person is searching for a tourist destination for a vacation, honeymoon or even a business trip, all to display the most relevant ads.

personalized ads

With this information, ad platforms customize displayed formats, content and calls to action to resonate most effectively with that specific user, increasing engagement.

Search and custom audiences

Likewise, companies can target search and display campaigns based on personal data such as location, age, gender and observed behaviors. Thus, tailored to each user profile, brands deliver the most relevant message and experience.

Therefore, exploring these resources is essential for implementing large-scale personalization in paid channels. Do you want to master this strategy? Talk to our experts.

Ethical Challenges of Personalization

The possibility of collecting and processing such a large volume of consumer data also raises legitimate concerns about privacy and the ethical use of this information. Brands need to face these issues responsibly.


A recent study found that 72% of customers are uncomfortable with how their personal information is used to personalize ads and recommendations. Therefore, transparency about how data is applied is critical to gaining trust.

Mass customization has become a fundamental practice in digital marketing, allowing companies to offer products and services highly tailored to consumers' individual needs and preferences. However, this ability to personalize at scale brings with it the need to carefully manage and protect customers' personal data.

The protection of this data is governed by strict laws and ethical standards in various parts of the world, with the aim of preserving the privacy and security of personal information. In this chapter, we will explore the key regulations shaping the data privacy landscape in Brazil, Europe and the United States.

General Data Protection Law (LGPD) in Brazil

In Brazil, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD), which came into force in September 2020, establishes a legal framework for the use of personal data. Inspired by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union, the LGPD applies to any personal data processing operation carried out by a natural or legal person, under public or private law, regardless of the medium, the country of headquarters of the company or country where the data is located, provided that the processing operation is carried out within the national territory, that the purpose of the activity is the offer or supply of goods or services in Brazil, or that the data was collected in Brazil .

The LGPD provides a series of rights for data subjects, such as the right to access, correction, deletion, and the possibility of revoking consent. Companies must adopt technical and administrative measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or illicit situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination. In case of violation of these standards, the LGPD provides for penalties that may include fines of up to 2% of the company's revenue in Brazil, limited to R$50 million per infraction.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe

In Europe, GDPR, which came into force in May 2018, represents one of the most stringent data protection regimes in the world. The GDPR applies to all companies that process the personal data of individuals in the European Union, regardless of the company's location. This regulation introduced significant requirements for data subject consent, expanded rights for individuals such as the right to be forgotten, and the obligation to notify authorities and affected individuals in the event of personal data breaches.

Furthermore, the GDPR establishes the obligation to appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO) for organizations that carry out large-scale data processing or that deal with special categories of data. Fines for GDPR violations can be substantial, reaching €20 million or 4% of a company's annual global turnover, whichever is higher.

Data Protection Laws in the United States

In the United States, the approach to data protection is more fragmented, with a mix of federal and state regulations. There is no comprehensive federal law equivalent to the LGPD or the GDPR. However, California took the lead with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), which went into effect in January 2020, and was subsequently enhanced by the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA), which will begin to be enforced in 2023.

The CCPA and CPRA give California consumers significant rights over their personal data, including the right to know what data is collected, the right to delete personal data, the right to opt out of the sale of their personal data, and protections against discrimination for exercising your privacy rights. While these laws apply specifically to California, they have far-reaching effects, affecting companies across the country and globally that do business with California residents.


The evolution of data protection laws reflects the growing importance of privacy in the digital age. For companies involved in digital marketing and mass personalization, understanding and adhering to these regulations is not just a matter of legal compliance, but also an opportunity to build trust with consumers, differentiating themselves in the marketplace. Strict adherence to data protection standards demonstrates a commitment to customer security and privacy, aspects that are increasingly valued by modern consumers.

Customer perspective on value

Even permitted uses of data can generate discomfort. It is the company's role to proactively communicate to customers the concrete benefits they will receive, in terms of more relevant and customized experiences, when sharing their personal data.

Therefore, advancing personalization in an ethical and transparent way is a central challenge. Do you want to know how our agency views this topic? Schedule a conversation with us.

Risks of excessive segmentation: Finding the ideal balance

Avoiding personalization pitfalls

The power of personalization can drive some companies to the extreme of over-segmentation, with thousands of hyper-specific groups receiving distinct messages, offers and experiences. But this level of customization has significant risks.

The proliferation of dozens or even hundreds of segments makes consistent communication difficult, in addition to demanding a volume of content and production that is unfeasible even for large teams. It is necessary to filter incremental groups to focus on what really matters.

Likewise, dealing with very small niches reduces the potential for scale in digital marketing, concentrating budgets on marginal performances. The ideal is a balance between enough segmentation to increase conversions, without diluting the total reach.

Lack of holistic customer view

Ultimately, an obsession with just granular data on specific behaviors can cause a brand to lose a consolidated view of each customer. It is necessary to have integrated systems with this “single view” of the consumer built over time.

Efficient personalization must therefore avoid excesses. Our agency can help your company find the right point in this balance between segmentation and scaling.

The future of personalization in marketing

The potential for personalization is set to expand rapidly with advancements across multiple technology fronts, enabling brands to understand and impact their customers like never before. Among the most promising areas are the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence.

The multiplication of sensors and connected devices brings a massive new source of data about consumers. With this 360-degree view of people's real-time behavior, brands will be able to intercept their digital journeys at the exact moment of need for hyper-contextual offers.

Deep artificial intelligence

The leaps in the analytical capacity of intelligent machines allow us to process all this data at a speed unimaginable today, finding correlations and proposing automated actions for even more personalized and predictive experiences and messages.

The Metaverse as the next stage

By integrating digital and physical worlds into an “onlife” layer, the Metaverse universe will allow brands to recognize people at another level of depth through their avatars and behavior between worlds, delivering new levels of continuous personalization as the person moves through these spheres.

Therefore, we will still see exponential innovations in features for full customization. Let's explore all this together?

Immersive and hyper-personalized experiences: the Metaverse as the next frontier

As the Metaverse concept matures as a convergence between physical and digital worlds, it promises to take personalization in marketing to the next level of immersion and seamless hypersegmentation.

The Metaverse as a “Phygital” world

The notion of Metaverse foresees an integration smart between assets and interactions in the offline and online spheres. Data, environments, people and objects connect and interact seamlessly in this double digital-physical layer, which we call “Phygital”.

In this context, brands start to see each consumer as a multidimensional human being, observing both their actions in the real world and their behaviors and relationships in virtual worlds, in a continuous journey.

Enabling personalized experiences at the right time

This allows you to direct relevant stimuli at the exact point where an intention is revealed, regardless of the sphere in which the person is located at that moment. Advertising can follow the user from the virtual to the physical world in a chained manner.

Therefore, the Metaverse, by integrating on and off layers, will take personalization to a new level of immersion in people's journeys. Are we ready for this “Phygital” achievement?

Conclusion: Amplifica Digital, partner in customization for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Throughout this article, we explore the concepts, techniques, and trends that enable mass personalization in digital marketing today and in the future. This ability to understand each consumer in depth and impact them with the most relevant messages is what sets successful companies apart.

And on Amplifica Digital, we are proud to be global experts in helping organizations in the Pharmaceutical and Chemical Industry achieve excellence in this customization. Through a dedicated team and customized services, we support our clients on the delicate journey towards one-to-one marketing.

We understand the regulatory, competitive and constant innovation nuances of this dynamic sector. With this in-depth knowledge, we create strategies and deliver highly personalized experiences for consumers and healthcare professionals in line with these specificities.

From specialized content to segmented traffic, omni-channel journeys and predictive analytics, we master all levers to position our clients as protagonists of digital transformation in Healthcare.

Therefore, no matter how ambitious your goals in personalization, in digital marketing, count on Amplifica Digital as your strategic partner on this journey. Together, we have everything to revolutionize the experience of consumers and healthcare professionals with YOUR brand, products and services. 

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