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Blog Photoshop turns 30 and launches news

Photoshop turns 30 and launches news

Over the years, Photoshop has consolidated itself in the image editing market. Today it is the tool most used by professionals. There are about 20 million monthly active users, according to Abode's product director, Scott Belsky. 

Photoshop has undergone several updates in recent years, including the launch of its own application for Ipad last year. In addition, the company recently launched “Fresco”. Fresco is a painting app for iOS users where the technology also detects whether the photo has been manipulated or not. 


Technologies are increasingly advanced. Photoshop intends to enter mobile platforms once and for all and will invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI). In fact, Adobe introduced new features with AI in the desktop and app versions of the iPad. 


For iPad users: With the use of artificial intelligence increasingly present in the system, a search in the database takes place. That way, what would take a few minutes for an image to be selected, now works with the same efficiency but with more agility.

For Desktop users: You will have the option of filling with content recognition for various objects. In this way, it will be possible to remove and fill the space with the current background, based on the selection.

  • Enhanced blur function: The new feature depends solely on the GPU and not the CPU for processing.

Anyway! Although the news has already been revealed, the company has so far not informed when it will be available to users. 
