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Blog Uber starts offering electric scooter services in the south of São Paulo

Uber starts offering electric scooter services in the south of São Paulo

Earlier this week (2), the Uber transportation app officially launched its electric scooter service in the city of São Paulo. Service that could already be found in Santos, in Santos. The company obtained the authorization to use the service since January 24th. I was just getting the last details right for the general public to actually start using. 

How it works: 

Just open the app and change the vehicle option to scooter at the bottom of the screen. From there, the available units will be visible to users on the map, a task that already occurs with cars. In addition, the scooter can be reserved with a 15-minute limit to unlock the equipment. Unlocking is done by scanning or entering a code. The price will be R $ 0,90 per minute, and unlike the service in Santos, it will not be necessary to pay to unlock the vehicle. 

However, the service is not yet available in all regions of São Paulo. Only a few neighborhoods received the news: Vila Olímpia, Moema, Itaim Bibi, Vila Nova Conceição and Jardim Luzitânia, all in the south of the capital. 

In addition, to avoid accidents, the company created a website with safety tips for its users. For example: respect traffic regulations, park responsibly, brake carefully and always stay alert. After all, another novelty can attract public attention. Uber, made an exclusive partnership with Centauro and offers 40% discount on helmets, for users of the app. Making it clear that safety always comes first. 

Ruddy Wang, director of New Modalities in Latin America at Uber highlighted the main reason for the new investment: “We plan the operation so that Uber scooters are a great option for those shorter trips, in order to encourage electric vehicles to be used to complement public transport and circumvent traffic ”. finished. 
