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Blog The importance of Google Ads for your business

The importance of Google Ads for your business

Today's tip is about Google Ads, a very important platform for your company.

If your company operates in the model B2B, read carefully, this tip is valuable. 

Among the available data we have one that points out that the number of searches on Google currently exceeds 4 billion. Think, there are 4 billion searches being done on Google every day. Thus, if your company needs to increase the exposure of your product / service, especially in this moment of crisis, it is important that you use Google Ads in conjunction with the tactic pointed out in the video “The Importance of Linkedin Ads for Your Business”In its digital strategy.

How does Google Ads help your company's performance?

When people are going to do a search using keywords related to your product / service, or even directly search for your product / service, it is important that you appear in the search. To that end, there is a possibility that you invest in sponsored search campaigns with the words related to your company. This is a very important point, another point is to invest in display campaign strategies, that is, while people access certain sites and these sites are connected with Google Ads, which is the Google platform system, it is legal for you to do advertising of your product / service in a more visual way, which is different from that of Google's search result. 

 In a more visual way, you will impact people within your Google Ads strategy. What will leverage your company's digital presence.

You may be asking yourself, "But is it better to invest in LinkedIn Ads or Google Ads?" 

Our CEO, Eric Klein, says that it depends on the result achieved. You have a budget that you will need to share to make investments within a digital channel like LinkedIn Ads, the other part of that budget you do campaigns within Google Ads and, throughout your digital strategy you must test the results to evaluate the channel that more converts and more leads to your business. 

That way, as the result appears, you will direct the money to the platform that converts the most. However, it is important that you test within the two platforms.

Anyway, this is another special tip for B2B companies.

In short, start investing in digital channels. Now people are more connected and one way to be able to impact them is on digital!

For more tips, visit our blog!

Hugs and see you soon!
