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Blog 6 human attributes that will strengthen your company.

6 human attributes that will strengthen your company.

Competition is growing in the digital age!

Undoubtedly, understanding the human side is one of the ways to maintain competitiveness of your company. But the path also focuses on showing the human side of companies. Thus more consumers will be attracted and will be able to become leads and even dbrand effectors

According to Stephen Sampson, there are six human attributes that if used by companies will captivate people to the point of making them customers and advocates of the brand. These attributes are: 


In the same way that a physically attractive person can influence others, a brand with a well-organized physique will attract more consumers. The physical attractions of a brand are composed by its brand identity. For example, a well-designed logo, creative slogan, attractive product design, not to mention the design of physical or virtual stores. 


It is a characteristic of brands that are always innovating, launching services and products, not even thought of by consumers or competitors. Another issue is the agility in solving problems and resolving customer complaints.


Brands are always willing to communicate with consumers, listen to their complaints, answer their questions and solve their problems with great agility. They share useful and attractive content, thus promoting customer engagement.


Brands with this characteristic connect with customers on an emotional level, delivering inspiring messages; they can also use their humorous side. In this way, they are able to induce consumers to take favorable actions with the company.


Brands like this are always improving and are not afraid to show their flaws and take responsibility for their actions. 


This characteristic is based on being ethical in all negotiations, having a solid integrity and above all keeping the promises made. Companies with this characteristic generally get involved with social and environmental causes and take a stand against any type of prejudice, be it gender, ethnicity, religion, among others. 

In order to adapt to these attributes, your company must understand what are the latent anxieties and desires of your target audience. For this purpose it is necessary to use the digital anthropology . According to Kopler, your marketing team should make your company physically attractive, intellectually interesting, socially engaging and emotionally fascinating, while still having a strong personality and solid morality.

Think about the qualities that your company already has and what can be done to make them more human, so your brand will be much stronger. 

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