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Blog Brand Affinity: win a loyal audience

Brand Affinity: win a loyal audience

In the text "Brand Awareness, what is it and how to strengthen?”It was shown that Brand Awareness is when the brand awareness makes the product practically synonymous with the brand, that is, you can’t disassociate the brand from the product anymore. Sometimes people end up calling the product by the brand name, even when the product is from the competing brand. In short, Brand Awareness is a metric used to understand brand awareness. 

Brand Awareness greatly strengthens brand authority in the consumer's mind. The probability that when the user is going to buy a product from that segment he will buy the one that is fixed in his mind is much greater. 

Praising your authority and relevance with consumers is one of the main objectives of a marketing strategy. For this reason, Brand Awareness is important. 

But in addition to Brand Awareness, have you thought about the importance of Brand Affinity?

Let's go by parts, do you know what Brand Affinity is?

  It can be said that brand affinity is the relationship of your company with customers who have the same values ​​as it, so it is correct to say that more than a rational decision, the purchase journey starts to suffer a great emotional influence.

   First of all, your company must go beyond being recognized by the consumer, it must be valued and admired.

We already talked about in the texts “Will online marketing destroy offline marketing?" and "From 4 As to 5 As, How do people buy?" about the importance of companies having clients who act as loyal lawyers. It is these customers who indicate your brand and furthermore defend it from attacks, whether they are in the physical or digital environment.

You can achieve this loyalty in several ways, among them the main one is maintaining an interaction with the consumer. Remember what we talked about the humanization of the brand? Undoubtedly, understanding the human side is one of the ways to maintain competitiveness of your company. But the path also focuses on showing the human side of companies. Thus more consumers will be attracted and will be able to become leads and even dbrand effectors . To go deeper into the subject, read the text: “6 human attributes that will strengthen your company. ” In view of this, creating this rapprochement with your consumer will help you to promote your products and increase your reach.

In short, we can say that brand affinity happens when consumers start to worry about your brand. They know the values ​​your company believes in and start to relate more naturally and confidently to what you have to say.

What are the benefits of Brand Affinity?

In addition to the obvious benefits of having multiple brand advocates, there are others that are also very clear. There is a greater facility in retaining your customers. After all, they identify with the values ​​reproduced by their brand. We can also mention the prioritization in the choice process, for sure your brand will be the first to be remembered.

What to do to increase Brand Affinity?

Now that you know the importance of this strategy, let's go to the means to optimize it.

Understand your audience

All your strategies will do no good if you don't know your audience. So study the smallest details of your behavior and try to understand your habits. That way, you will have the maximum amount of information and will be able to create more assertive strategies.

Produce relevant content

Content Marketing plays an important role within any strategy. It is from it that you can create a closer relationship with your customers. With the production of relevant materials, more users will be interested in your brand. Create materials that are useful to the customer, don't just aim at selling.

Be part of the customer's life

Be more than a company that creates content, be part of the routine of your customers. Whether through stories on social networks or something that has a greater relationship with your segment. 

By following this tip you will build a strong brand that has a group of loyal customers. 

 To build this relationship you need relevant content, in our blog we have dozens of tips on content.

Come check! 
