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Blog 13 tips on how to deal with negative comments on the internet

13 tips on how to deal with negative comments on the internet

In recent decades, along with the democratization of internet access, smartphones have become popular, as a result of which social networks have gained space. At social networks they gave a voice that they didn’t have so much strength in the past. 

Today it is common for customers who have not had a good experience with a brand to turn to social media to complain. 

In all sectors criticism is common and they will not always be constructive. 

However, many brands still do not know how to position themselves when receiving negative comments on the networks and due to lack of preparation they worsen the situation.

So we will give you tips on how to deal with negative comments on the internet

  1. Monitor your pages to immediately detect any comments or activities on them.
  2. Never delete the comment, the consumer will feel silenced by the brand and will be able to make other comments much more aggressive. 
  3. Never, in any way, create false positive comments defending your brand. This stratagem if discovered will leave its mark on bad sheets.  
  4. Analyze what is being criticized and give a respectful response in the shortest possible time. 
  5. To avoid greater exposure on the networks, try direct contact with the customer. 
  6. Do not give mechanized answers, this tip is for both negative and positive comments, as they show disinterest in the consumer. Humanize the answer, nothing worse than wanting to make a complaint and feel like you're talking to a machine.
  7. Do not take the comment to the staff, the comment is about the brand and not about you.
  8. Keep calm, responding in a rude way will only resonate badly for your brand. 
  9. Be empathetic, put yourself in the place of the person who made the comment. It is advisable to apologize and say that you are sorry for having offered a bad experience.
  10. Offer a simple and objective solution to the customer. When spending time making a comment, the customer wants attention and their problem is solved.
  11. Thank for the opportunity to rethink about your services and be able to apply improvements.
  12. Follow up to see if the customer's problem has been resolved.
  13. If the complaint does not proceed, respond politely and prove that the narrated situation is not appropriate.

You are unlikely to offer a perfect experience for all customers, but if multiple users complain about the same thing, your company needs to review this and make improvements. 

Failure to respond adequately to the customer can increase the number of churn. Use social media to get closer to people, not to lose customers. 

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See you later!
