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Blog LinkedIn Ads: what B2B companies need to know

LinkedIn Ads: what B2B companies need to know

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O LinkedIn is a professional social media network and currently a job showcase. Furthermore, although in the past it was taken over by posts from recruiters and salespeople, today it is a great place to promote your business, making it a truly valuable player in the world of digital advertising.

However, LinkedIn is especially useful for B2B companies — and marketers must understand how to best apply LinkedIn advertising as part of their inbound strategy if they want to reach their target audience.

The platform is the best place to find professionals, and LinkedIn's advertising capabilities have expanded to become a strong platform for B2B contacts, with excellent targeting options.

What are Ads within LinkedIn 

The tools offered by LinkedIn help your company strengthen its strategies and consolidate its brand. In this way, they operate on several fronts and are able to reach the target audience accurately.

Of course, before any foray into the campaigns themselves, you need to know clearly what your objectives are. Furthermore, you must understand and outline the personas, type of campaign, segmentation, budget, etc. even before launching your campaign online. 

On LinkedIn, having your objectives well established will be a guide when it comes to choosing ad formats, how to promote your brand, and developing potential customers. Furthermore, the main thing: guide your business’s lead generation. 

In other words, if you know where you want to go and what you want to do, the result will be better and much more effective.

Essential Tools for B2B LinkedIn Campaigns

A successful B2B LinkedIn campaign requires using a variety of tools and strategies to reach your target audience effectively. Therefore, here we provide the essential tools to help you create a successful campaign.

campaign manager

A campaign manager is the platform where you manage your LinkedIn advertising campaigns. Plus, you can set your budget, schedule ads, track performance, and adjust your campaigns as needed.

sales navigator

O sales navigator is a premium LinkedIn tool that allows you to find ideal leads and companies for your B2B campaign. Plus, it offers advanced search and filtering features to find high-quality prospects.

Sponsored InMail

O Sponsored InMail allows you to send direct messages to specific leads, even if they are not in your network. Therefore, it is an effective way to start conversations with prospects.

LinkedIn Events

Promote and participate in events related to your industry on LinkedIn. Therefore, this could include webinars, online conferences, and workshops. Events are a great way to connect with potential leads.

LinkedIn Analytics

Track the performance of your campaigns with tools LinkedIn analytics. This will allow you to evaluate the success of your strategies and make adjustments as needed.

Text ads

Os text ads are small ads in the right column of a LinkedIn feed. They can also be found in the “People You May Know” suggestions. These ads are short and to the point. So the most important thing is to think carefully about what they contain. The words you choose can make a huge difference in the fight to capture users' attention.

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Dynamic Ads

Os dynamic ads allow you to make your ads a little more personalized. Additionally, you can use them to promote various things, including job ads, content downloads, or your company page, as well as use featured ads to drive traffic to your website.

Programmatic Display Ads

Os display ads are a great option if you want to segment your audience well. Plus, they're just like other display ads, like those you might find on the Google Ads network or Facebook. 

First steps to setting up your campaigns

There are many things you might want to do before setting up a LinkedIn ad campaign. You don't want to spend anything until you know at least the basics of what you should do. 

A good place to start is with LinkedIn's advertising guidelines and specifications. Additionally, you can find them on LinkedIn's help pages, including guides for different types of content. Once you understand the guidelines for different ad types, there are a few more things to do before creating your campaigns.

Get the LinkedIn Insight Tag

The LinkedIn Insight Tag allows you to collect information about your website visitors. It's a piece of JavaScript code that you add to your website to collect data from people who visit LinkedIn.

It collects information such as job titles, URL, IP address, device and browser, and date/time stamp. It's easy to add the code to your website. Furthermore, you can do it yourself without the help of a web developer.

The data you collect can be useful in helping you target your ads, but it may take a few weeks to get some useful data.

Prepare your content

Using LinkedIn to promote content is a great idea, but you need to have that content available first. Additionally, you can promote blog articles, ebooks, videos, infographics, and other content that can be used to collect leads. If you don't already have some content to use, think about what you want to offer. 

Some content is quick and easy to create. But others, like e-books and videos, can take a while to develop. Think about how you can educate your audience about your products or services, as well as related topics.

Add a contact list

LinkedIn allows you to upload a list of contacts from a database so you can create a target audience. Furthermore, the platform recommends that you have at least 1.000 account-level contacts or 10.000 contact-level contacts if you want to make the most of the available tools. 

LinkedIn will take your contacts and try to match them to your verified email address. This way, using your existing contact list allows you to unify your contacts across different marketing channels.

See different bidding strategies

You may not have decided exactly how to spend your money yet. But you should start by considering the different ways you can bid on ads. Additionally, LinkedIn is like other platforms in that there are a few ways to bid on ads.

One option is automatic bidding, ideal for those who don't want to spend a lot and don't have much contact with the tool yet. It's a low-maintenance option, with LinkedIn managing your bids for you.

Additionally, you can also set a limit to decide how much you want to spend per day, just like on platforms like Google Ads, and carry out the strategy that best suits your business.

Be prepared to test first

While you may want to get started, you don't want to immediately commit your entire ad budget and run full campaigns. It's smart to be prepared to test things first so you can find out what works. 

Therefore, different strategies work for different companies — so it's best to test things out first and avoid wasting money. 

Another option to consider is basing your spending on cost-per-click (CPC) or cost per 1.000 impressions (CPM). CPC is often the recommended choice to ensure your ads reach more people and help you get the best return on your investment.

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