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Blog Technology hub for transport in the digital market

Technology hub for transport in the digital market

Technology hub with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, Praxio positions itself as a technology solutions hub, with a portfolio that includes ERPs, WMs, among others.


The challenge when the customer arrived at the house was to strengthen their digital presence, through their social networks and the use of efficient strategies for retaining leads. In addition, Praxio felt the need to better align its projects with internal marketing.


The first step was to understand the user persona of an ERP transport system and align the conclusions with digital strategies. However, producing quality, customer-focused content just got easier. We take important and relevant content to social networks, which attracts a more interested and segmented audience for the client. 

We recommend using the Inbound Marketing for the customer to understand the consumer journey and their interactions with the brand. Inside the site, digital materials and emails, which was essential for success.

Results and impacts on technology

Greater presence in the digital world with relevant content, thus generating more qualified leads and greater interest in the product, due to proper nutrition.